Hello i created this and i dont know how to debug it because when ever i create a script the part i hate is teh debuging so can some one please help me out and thank you very much

<TITLE>JSP Debugging</TITLE>

<% import java.io.*; %>
<% import java.util.Date; %>
<% import java.util.Enumeration; %>

    Date today = new Date(12,20,2004);

    Date created = new Date(session.getCreationTime());
    Date lastAccessed = new Date(session.getLastAccessedTime());

    out.print("<h1>Today is " );
    out.print("</h1>" );
    out.print("This session has the following characteristics:<br>" );
    out.println("<br>ID: ");
    <%= session.getId(); %>
    out.println("Created: " + created);
    out.println("Last Accessed: " + lastAccessed);
    out.println("<br>Max Inactive Interval: " +

hello i just debuged this so can some of you check if there is any bugs left adn if there are can you please fix them thank you

      <TITLE>JSP Debugging</TITLE>
      <% import java.io.*; %>
      <% import java.util.Date; %>
      <% import java.util.Enumeration; %>
      Date today = new Date(12,20,2004);
      Date created = new Date(session.getCreationTime());
      Date lastAccessed = new Date(session.getLastAccessedTime());
      out.print("<h1>Today is " );
      out.print("</h1>" );
      out.print("This session has the following characteristics:<br>" );
      out.println("<br>ID: ");
      <%= session.getId(); %>
      out.println("Created: " + created);
      out.println("Last Accessed: " + lastAccessed);
      out.println("<br>Max Inactive Interval: " +

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I wonder why the kid is using println statements for his html tags in a JSP...
He shouldn't of course be using ANY Java code at all, but this is the most extremely silly JSP code I've ever encountered (and I've encountered reams of it over the last decade).

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