I am a student of b.tech with computer science And I am
using a "JSP BASED LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM " project which I have downloaded from a website("sourceforge.net")..But I m facing problems in using it succesfully.

I have installed :
a.tomcat 5.0
2.set all the envoirment variables as told by you.
3.unziped javalibrary to tomcat/webapps.
4.created database jsp_library then executed all the sql commands.

on running the project ,after giving input to the login screen it gives error::

.............................. ..............................

HTTP Status 404 - /JavaLibrary/servlet/sjservlets.LoginProcess


type Status report

message /JavaLibrary/servlet/sjservlets.LoginProcess

description The requested resource (/JavaLibrary/servlet/sjservlets.LoginProcess) is not available.


Apache Tomcat/5.0.28

Please help me in running this project succesfuly as fast as anyone can do.

No need for option c), all the necessary classes you need from that are included in a) :)
Noone here told you what to do in 2) ...

what's the URI for that login screen? Most likely you have something wrong in your setup, remember that URIs are case sensitive for example.

No need for option c), all the necessary classes you need from that are included in a) :)
Noone here told you what to do in 2) ...

what's the URI for that login screen? Most likely you have something wrong in your setup, remember that URIs are case sensitive for example.

oh it was told me by project developer,xcuse for misunderstanding url for login screen is right and there is nothing wrong with setup,problem may be in connecting to database or in mapping servlets.

well, there is quite obviously something wrong with the setup you created else it would work.

I am a student of b.tech with computer science And I am
using a "JSP BASED LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM " project which I have downloaded from a website("sourceforge.net")..But I m facing problems in using it succesfully.

I have installed :
a.tomcat 5.0
2.set all the envoirment variables as told by you.
3.unziped javalibrary to tomcat/webapps.
4.created database jsp_library then executed all the sql commands.

on running the project ,after giving input to the login screen it gives error::

.............................. ..............................

HTTP Status 404 - /JavaLibrary/servlet/sjservlets.LoginProcess


type Status report

message /JavaLibrary/servlet/sjservlets.LoginProcess

description The requested resource (/JavaLibrary/servlet/sjservlets.LoginProcess) is not available.


Apache Tomcat/5.0.28

Please help me in running this project succesfuly as fast as anyone can do.

This kinda error comes when the server is unable to find the page at specified location.
Possible cause :
Incorrect case-naming of folders ( caps - small problem)
Incorrect folder name,
incorrect page name,
or invalid folder location or page doest not exists in folder name.

Please check the names and all mappings, and give little bit more details regarding the same.

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