I am trying to open another page from an image. I can open the page on a different window by doing this: onclick="Response.Redirect(cci_info\cci\features\create_CCI\WebForm1.aspx);" But I don't want to open another window, rather I need the image button to open a page in the same window.

Thanks for the help.

<asp:image imageurl="~/common/images/demos/header-buildsummary.png" width="125" height="34" alternatetext="CCI Form" runat="server" cssclass="site"
id="cciform" onmouseover="this.src='common/images/demos/header-cciform-hover.png';"
onclick="Response.Redirect(cci_info\cci\features\create_CCI\WebForm1.aspx);" title="Test - CCI"TabIndex="1"/>

you may try target="_SELF" in <a ..

Good information for me too

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