i have a simple php project that i have completed i want to upload it to the server i want to know what are the file that i need to upload
Cos i use wampserver and my file are in the www root folder is it the www root foder that is housing the php file that a sending OR What!
More so i use php file my databases do not have password how can i configure my mysql to be password enable rather than been blank!

I am not exactly certain what you have, however it is simpler if you had created a directory(folder) inside your www root directory so you dont have to copy the www folder.

If for instance, you have a folder called:
"my_new_project" inside the www root folder, all you need do is copy the folder out of your www and send to the deploying server.

Hint: it is a better way of organising projects.
Please if you have to do this reorganisation, please take note of your external links in the various scripts, so you don't get frustrating error messages.

yes,you should create separate folder like "myproject" to your project...and put all the content of your project in that...and make subfolder in your "myproject",if you have administating area...if you use database,then check it in different systems...

i have a simple php project that i have completed i want to upload it to the server i want to know what are the file that i need to upload
Cos i use wampserver and my file are in the www root folder is it the www root foder that is housing the php file that a sending OR What!
More so i use php file my databases do not have password how can i configure my mysql to be password enable rather than been blank!

To create a password in mysql: invoke your mysql Consolw from your WAMP Server tray menu and hit the enter key. Thus would display a welcome screen since you don't hava a password.

type the following line:
UPDATE mysql.user SET Password = PASSWORD("your_password") WHERE User = 'root' ;

then type:
FLUSH Privileges;

type quit;

if you have done this well, the next time you start your mysql Console, you have to enter your new password.

To Use PhpMyadmin you have to go and set your root password in the PhpMyadmin Config Folder....

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