Hi there.
I've been attempting for a good few months to develop a new webpage at www.mnc99.com.
You can see my current efforts at www.mnc99.com/index.php .
Notice that the movie you will receive (morning, afternoon, evening) depends on the time you access the page. You're more than welcome to inspect my code to see how I did it, but suffice to say it involved a lot of messing around with Javascript and SWFObject. But here is where I think my problems begin.
If you were to click any of the links besides "Skip Intro" on the flash intro, you'd be presented with a dead click if you were using anything but Internet Explorer. I have attempted to use the page with both Opera (SUPERIAR) and Firefox and have received the same, disappointing results on both.
The links all work on the movies when I'm viewing them locally, so what gives? Are my browsers employing some form of 'protection' to circumvent a misdiagnosed spam attack? How do I get around it?
SIMPLE ANSWERS, please! >_< I'm a complete code newbie.