heyz guyz i am working on a site and i have taken its gallery system from a script provdiers. but i can't find out how to get meta tags workin in php coz its in php language. and i dont know it can u please help

If you are talking about using html meta tags in php then use the following (assuming you are placing it in the middle of your existing code:

echo "<META name=\"something\" content=\"something else\">";

Notice I put the backslash before each quotation mark in the html code. That is because of the surrounding quotation marks for the echo function. The following script (replacing the echo quotation marks) will do the same:

echo '<META name="something" content="something else">';

So if you where taking about html meta tags in php that should give you some idea on what it should look like.

ok buddy thanks alot. thts really helpful. i got the point :D

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