I am a total NOOB to ICT, and was wondering if anyone would help me make a website using flash, php, and javascript. Please help, I will work out giving you money when the site is up and running and making money. I have got a graphics designer for free (my sister), so she will create items like clothes, and layout for the site.

I just need to know how to actually make things work. Basically I am making a dress-up game (I have been working in a site (divachix) - but wanted my own). From my experience in divachix, there is a lot of money to be made.

It has to be like divachix, please comment or send me a message if you are interested.

Please no rude comments (if I spelt anything wrong its because i'm dyslexic)

It has to be like divachix, please comment or send me a message if you are interested.

If you are talking about http://divachix.com/ then it shouldn't be too hard for most parts to recreate and I can help with the php and javascript codes/scripts. You may also want to use mysql databases or a text file system to record all site data?

As for how to start, I would suggest to make a basic single page html file template then adding the php script to the file to automatically generate the rest of the pages according to data entered into the mysql-databases/text-files. Also to make the url system look pretty, you can use a htaccess rewriterule system. The Javascript would mainly be used for the menus although it wouldn't be very good for the search engine optimization.

Note for stottlifey:
If you are interested, I can help you create anything too hard (maybe most of it) live on msn. Just let me know and I will pm you my msn details.

I am a total NOOB to ICT, and was wondering if anyone would help me make a website using flash, php, and javascript. Please help, I will work out giving you money when the site is up and running and making money. I have got a graphics designer for free (my sister), so she will create items like clothes, and layout for the site.

I just need to know how to actually make things work. Basically I am making a dress-up game (I have been working in a site (divachix) - but wanted my own). From my experience in divachix, there is a lot of money to be made.

It has to be like divachix, please comment or send me a message if you are interested.

Please no rude comments (if I spelt anything wrong its because i'm dyslexic)


here is a great site that teaches you to build flash with php and other scripts here is the site you should go to http://www.developphp.com/ they are free there and they are great for people just starting out if you have any qustions you can contact me by privet message

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