hello guys,i'm new to this forum.i am developing a website for my final year project.it's a dummy project.i need a free payment gateway or something like that.So that the user can pay via credit card.it is purely an academic project,so i don't want to spend money.
i need your suggestion.how I can i do this credit card checking like that of real time system?
is it possible to implement via a payment gateway???so what should i do??

Well you could use a PayPal business account.
Although it doesn't cost to create an account, they do charge a fee for any transactions you perform, Also you can check here on how to integrate PayPal with your website.

You will not find any free payment gateway accepting credit card.

thanks guys for your reply......
So can u suggest anything by which i can achieve my goal....afterall it's a dummy project....so how can i make the user pay......by card or through some dummy banks........

Why do you want to use real service for this? There is no need. Look up their API, design your project the way you will just need to plug-in their service and instead of it just provide dummy messages. After that you only have to state this fact in your report, mention that only thing is to subscribe with payment company and you done.

oh thanks.......
so if i follow this i don't have to pay...right?????
can u plz suggest the procedure to plug-in the service??//
i'm using jsp,ms access as databse,apache tomcat web server...
suppose one user enters adummy card number1122334455667788....
after that presses the payment button.....then what should i do to subscribe with payment comp>>>>>.
thanks once again....

Have look into PayPal - SDKs and Downloads section, you will find API and some examples. In examples check NVP (Name-Value Pair Interface) part, there must be place where you submit collected data to PayPal all you have to do is provide some verification on operation out put (just random generated number like 0 for operation failed, 1 for operation success and you done).

i have got another problem
i want to encode a number(taken as text)into some encrypted text...and then want to decrypt it.....
i googled and find some code and after modification i have tried with the code.....
for the encryption and decryption i used javascript....
and i'm sending the encrypted text via a hidden field to the next jsp page...where i again decryprt it.....

<input type="hidden" value="<%=card_no%>" name=hidd1>

<input type="text" name="encrypt1" readonly="2">
<input type="submit" value="submit" onClick="this.form.encrypt1.value=Encrypt(this.form.hidd1.value);">
in first page....
and getting the value as

String encrypt11=request.getParameter("encrypt1"); in next page...
but these two strings are not matching..... can u say why???
and how can i solve this??


I suggest looking at using mock objects to simulate the credit card verification process.

Mock Objects
Easy Mock

This seems to me to be one case in which mocks are decidedly the way to go. You need to write code that will perform as though it were verifying CC requests. Here is a site with information on generating dummy CC numbers.

Generating Dummy Credit Card Numbers



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