I launched the following scripts but only the "Auto Start Page Rotator" page appeared.
Can anyone please check if the codes are correct?

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
<meta content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" http-equiv="content-type"><title>Control page</title>

<script language="JAVASCRIPT">
var Win;
var page_index=0;
var page = new Array();
page[0] = "http://www.trafficswarm.com/cgi-bin/swarm.cgi?493555";
page[1] = "http://www.ts25.com/surf/index.php?surfer=jy1006";
page[2] = "http://www.trafficg.com/supersurf.php?member=jy1006";
page[3] = "http://www.trafficroundup.com/start.php?username=globalteam";
page[4] = "http://www.trafficpods.com/surf/surf.jsp?surfer=businessglob";
page[5] = "http://www.trafficg.com/supersurf.php?member=jy1006";
page[6] = "http://www.hitpulse.com/jsp/surf.jsp?surfer=jy1006";
page[7] = "http://www.hitsafari.com/rotate.php?u=businessglob";
function next_page()
{page_index++;if (page_index == 8)
page_index = 0;
<h1>Auto Start Page Rotator</h1>
<script language="JAVASCRIPT">
Win=window.open(page[0], 'Win','resize=yes,toolbar=yes,status=yes,
</script> <br>


Try this:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" 
<html lang="en">

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
<title>Control page</title>

<script type="text/javascript">
var Win;
var page_index = 0;
var page = new Array();

page[ 0 ] = "http://www.trafficswarm.com/cgi-bin/swarm.cgi?493555";

page[ 1 ] = "http://www.ts25.com/surf/index.php?surfer=jy1006";

page[ 2 ] = "http://www.trafficg.com/supersurf.php?member=jy1006";

page[ 3 ] = "http://www.trafficroundup.com/start.php?username=globalteam";

page[ 4 ] = "http://www.trafficpods.com/surf/surf.jsp?surfer=businessglob";

page[ 5 ] = "http://www.trafficg.com/supersurf.php?member=jy1006";

page[ 6 ] = "http://www.hitpulse.com/jsp/surf.jsp?surfer=jy1006";

page[ 7 ] = "http://www.hitsafari.com/rotate.php?u=businessglob";

var next_page = function() { 
   page_index = (( page_index === 8 ) ? 0 : page_index );
   if ( typeof Win !== "undefined" ) {
   Win.location.href = page[ page_index ]; 
   } ++page_index;

window.onload = function() {
   Win = window.open( page[ 0 ],  'Win', 'resize=yes,toolbar=yes, status=yes,scrollbars=yes, screenX=0,screenY=0, width=1000, height=666' );
   timer = setInterval( "next_page()", 8000 );

// -->
<h1>Auto Start Page Rotator</h1>

Hi I have the correct script Working whit a manual to use it, but its not free the have a price of $5.00.

I use this Script and is amazing thousands of visits.

Hi I have the correct script Working whit a manual to use it, but its not free the have a price of $5.00.

I use this Script and is amazing thousands of visits.

Hi, how can i order you the script? thanks,

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