I wouldn't even consider myself a rookie with javascript but know it can be done, so thanks for any help.

What function would I use to have javascript read the page it is on, grab the url which is like:

and say if the url includes "mode=linear" then apply this style sheet?


I suppose you could do a

somevariable = window.location;

and then do a substr or substring on the url, and see if it's in there. There might be an easier way, but that's probably how I'd do it.

Well, try this function, it should be working.

function parseURL(buffer) {
  var result = { };
  result.protocol = "";
  result.user = "";
  result.password = "";
  result.host = "";
  result.port = "";
  result.path = "";
  result.query = "";

  var section = "PROTOCOL";
  var start = 0;
  var wasSlash = false;

  while(start < buffer.length) {
    if(section == "PROTOCOL") {
      if(buffer.charAt(start) == ':') {
        section = "AFTER_PROTOCOL";
      } else if(buffer.charAt(start) == '/' && result.protocol.length() == 0) { 
        section = PATH;
      } else {
        result.protocol += buffer.charAt(start++);
    } else if(section == "AFTER_PROTOCOL") {
      if(buffer.charAt(start) == '/') {
    if(!wasSlash) {
          wasSlash = true;
    } else {
          wasSlash = false;
          section = "USER";
        start ++;
      } else {
        throw new ParseException("Protocol shell be separated with 2 slashes");
    } else if(section == "USER") {
      if(buffer.charAt(start) == '/') {
        result.host = result.user;
        result.user = "";
        section = "PATH";
      } else if(buffer.charAt(start) == '?') {
        result.host = result.user;
        result.user = "";
        section = "QUERY";
      } else if(buffer.charAt(start) == ':') {
        section = "PASSWORD";
      } else if(buffer.charAt(start) == '@') {
        section = "HOST";
      } else {
        result.user += buffer.charAt(start++);
    } else if(section == "PASSWORD") {
      if(buffer.charAt(start) == '/') {
        result.host = result.user;
        result.port = result.password;
        result.user = "";
        result.password = "";
        section = "PATH";
      } else if(buffer.charAt(start) == '?') {
        result.host = result.user;
        result.port = result.password;
        result.user = "";
        result.password = "";
        section = "QUERY";
        start ++;
      } else if(buffer.charAt(start) == '@') {
        section = "HOST";
      } else {
        result.password += buffer.charAt(start++);
    } else if(section == "HOST") {
      if(buffer.charAt(start) == '/') {
        section = "PATH";
      } else if(buffer.charAt(start) == ':') {
        section = "PORT";
      } else if(buffer.charAt(start) == '?') {
        section = "QUERY";
      } else {
        result.host += buffer.charAt(start++);
    } else if(section == "PORT") {
      if(buffer.charAt(start) = '/') {
        section = "PATH";
      } else if(buffer.charAt(start) == '?') {
        section = "QUERY";
      } else {
        result.port += buffer.charAt(start++);
    } else if(section == "PATH") {
      if(buffer.charAt(start) == '?') {
    section = "QUERY";
    start ++;
      } else {
    result.path += buffer.charAt(start++);
    } else if(section == "QUERY") {
      result.query += buffer.charAt(start++);

  if(section == "PROTOCOL") {
    result.host = result.protocol;
    result.protocol = "http";
  } else if(section == "AFTER_PROTOCOL") {
    throw new ParseException("Invalid url");
  } else if(section == "USER") {
    result.host = result.user;
    result.user = "";
  } else if(section == "PASSWORD") {
    result.host = result.user;
    result.port = result.password;
    result.user = "";
    result.password = "";

  return result;

function ParseException(description) {
    this.description = description;

I don't unserstand why the Javascript needs to know the url of the calling page. Doesn't the person who wrote both of them already know that?

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