i have a login page (html) i need to transfer the username and the password to a text file using asp ...

<FORM method=post action=login.asp>
<INPUT id=email class=inputtext type=text name=email>
<INPUT id=pass class=inputpassword type=password name=pass>

i need this parametrs to be written in text file (notepad) using asp

Thanks Alot Guys !!

fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  mfile = "nameit"
  outdir = "c:/dir/" 
  mstring = outdir & mfile 
  Conn = fs.OpenTextFile(mstring, 2, True)
  Conn.WriteLine( "mytextline1" )
  Conn.WriteLine( "mytextline2" )
  Conn = Nothing
  fs = Nothing
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