Hi guys
I'm fairly new to php but learning fast. Here's my problem. I have the code below in a website I made for my local pub, it works fine, but is ther a way to dynamically add another row to the table when the number of records displayed is more than 4. The thing is, anyone can add cards using another page so the way it works now, I have to keep looking at the db, and adding another query with higher 'LIMIT'. Can thi be done more simply?
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require_once ('config.php');
// Connect to server and select databse.
mysql_connect("$host", "$username", "$password") or DIE(
"cannot connect");
mysql_select_db("$db_name") or DIE("cannot select DB");
echo "<table >";
echo "<tr>";
// First row query
$sql = "SELECT * FROM card LIMIT 4";
$query = mysql_query($sql);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
echo "<td class ='advert' width='240' height='160' align='center' > ";
echo "<b>".$row['name']."</b>";
echo "<br>";
echo $row['busn'];
echo "<br>";
echo $row['code'];
echo "<br>";
echo $row['code2'];
echo "<br>";
echo $row['job'];
echo "<br>";
echo $row['job2'];
echo "<br>";
echo "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
//second row query
echo "<tr>";
$sql = "SELECT * FROM card LIMIT 4,4";
$query = mysql_query($sql);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
echo "<td class ='advert' width='240' height='160' align='center' > ";
echo "<b>".$row['name']."</b>";
echo "<br>";
echo $row['busn'];
echo "<br>";
echo $row['code'];
echo "<br>";
echo $row['code2'];
echo "<br>";
echo $row['job'];
echo "<br>";
echo $row['job2'];
echo "<br>";
echo "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
//third row query
echo "<tr>";
$sql = "SELECT * FROM card LIMIT 8,4";
$query = mysql_query($sql);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
echo "<td class ='advert' width='240' height='160' align='center' > ";
echo "<b>".$row['name']."</b>";
echo "<br>";
echo $row['busn'];
echo "<br>";
echo $row['code'];
echo "<br>";
echo $row['code2'];
echo "<br>";
echo $row['job'];
echo "<br>";
echo $row['job2'];
echo "<br>";
echo "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
//fourth row query
echo "<tr>";
$sql = "SELECT * FROM card LIMIT 12,4";
$query = mysql_query($sql);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
echo "<td class ='advert' width='240' height='160' align='center' > ";
echo "<b>".$row['name']."</b>";
echo "<br>";
echo $row['busn'];
echo "<br>";
echo $row['code'];
echo "<br>";
echo $row['code2'];
echo "<br>";
echo $row['job'];
echo "<br>";
echo $row['job2'];
echo "<br>";
// echo $row['id'];
echo "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";
<table border="0" width="990" height="100" align="center" background="images/fullback.jpg">
<td colspan="2" align="middle">
<hr color="black" width="80%">
<div class="footer"> Designed and Produced by TonyG Cyprus © 2009 E-mail <a href="mailto:tonygcyprus@gmail.com">tonygcyprus@gmail.com</a>
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