in my project inside Cpanel server PHP MING Extension is ok BUT
in Plesk have Problem by GIF and PNG file and this file must be change to dbl to work
version of Extension MING in plesk is 0.4.2

i need a script to convert online png/gif file to dbl in (Linux server)

thanks :)

You will need some script in your server. Check if imagemagik is available for example. Don't know of any script (alone) that can do that for you. You will need a program and in the worst case the permissions for PHP to execute it (using exec() / system() ) if it doesn't have a module for PHP.

You will need some script in your server. Check if imagemagik is available for example. Don't know of any script (alone) that can do that for you. You will need a program and in the worst case the permissions for PHP to execute it (using exec() / system() ) if it doesn't have a module for PHP.

thanks. ok , now working by POPEN and exec()
but this no problem in CPanel and only on Plesk Not Support PNG , GIF (in php Ming Extension) !!

Weird, I've never used Ming before but could it be (guessing) that it has something to do with patents and the Ming module?

Check your phpinfo(); output in both servers and see if there is anything different in the Ming part. Maybe it is the version or something related to the version. The problem must be there or even with the version of PHP with that module. Check for known issues also. If versions are too different / obsolete maybe a little upgrade will help solve this issue.

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