Help... I have just been presented with the responsibility of supporting a JSP application. The person who was handling EVERYTHING has left us (Rest his soul) and did not leave any documentation.
The first thing I need to do is create a backup server and copy the application to it.
It is running on a Linux ??? platform at the moment. I am VERY comfortable working on Windows and have some experience on Linux. I have NO experience with JSP but believe I am a quick study.
The app seems to be using JavaBeans, MySQL and JSP.
Can someone suggest a resource where I can start?
Should I make the backup server the same OS as the current server?
What config files do I need to copy?
I realize nothing is as easy as it sounds but shouldn't I be able to load a computer with Linux, Install the Apache, Tomcat, and MySQL, copy the MySQL database, the WebApp, some config files and viola... We got a backup server?
Thanks for any assistance you can provide.