I am creating a update member page. I would like the page to auto retrieve the information he or she originally used while registering on my site and display them into the individual textboxes of the update profile page, this is to prevent the hassle to rekey in every individual details and allow the user to edit what he or she wants before it is updated into the database.

I am having problem retrieving information from the database and displaying them into the individual asp.net web text boxes. I am trying to use SQL DataAdapter or SQL Reader, but both fails. Some help to resolve this problem please, an example with code snippets will be very much appreciated. :rolleyes:

Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

        End If

 Private Sub displayrecord()
        Dim SqlDataAdapter1 As New SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM Member", SqlConnection1)
        Dim objReader As SqlDataReader
        Dim SqlCommand1 As New SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Member", SqlConnection1)
        objReader = SqlCommand1.ExecuteReader()

        txtbox_user.Text = objReader("MemberUserName")
        txtbox_password.Text = objReader("MemberPassword")
        txtbox_confirmpass.Text = objReader("MemberPassword")
        txtbox_name.Text = objReader("MemberName")
        txtbox_birthdate.Text = objReader("MemberDOB")
        txtbox_nric.Text = objReader("NRIC")
        txtbox_address.Text = objReader("MemberAddress")
        txtbox_contact.Text = objReader("MemberPhone")
        txtbox_email.Text = objReader("MemberEmail")
        Dropdown_Gender.SelectedValue = objReader("Gender")
        DropDown_Age.SelectedValue = objReader("Age")
        DropDown_Income.SelectedValue = objReader("Income")
        DropDown_Children.SelectedValue = objReader("NumofChildren")
        DropDown_HearUs.SelectedValue = objReader("HowDidYouKnowAboutUs")
    End Sub

you can use data reader for this,

command = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Member",sqlConnection );
command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
     while (reader.Read())
//if it is a text box 
txtbox_user.Text=reader.IsDBNull(reader.GetOrdinal("MemberUserName"))? null: reader["MemberUserName"].ToString();
//if it is a dropdown put defalut value 0 or 1, what ever value you use.
DropDown_Children.SelectedValue=Convert.ToString(reader.IsDBNull(reader.GetOrdinal("NumofChildren")) ? (int)0 : (int)reader["NumofChildren"]);						
catch(Exception ex)
   throw new Exception(ex.Message);

Hi Aish,

I do not understand what is this line of code is doing except a rough guess that it is trying to read the column MemberUserName. Would you mind explaining it to me? In addition, i am writing this code using ASP.NET with VB. Would you mind tuning this part of the codes that i have quoted into ASP.NET with VB as i am having a hard time trying to fix it into that. :o

//if it is a text box
txtbox_user.Text=reader.IsDBNull(reader.GetOrdinal("MemberUserName"))? null: reader["MemberUserName"].ToString();
//if it is a dropdown put defalut value 0 or 1, what ever value you use.
DropDown_Children.SelectedValue=Convert.ToString(reader.IsDBNull(reader.GetOrdinal("NumofChildren")) ? (int)0 : (int)reader["NumofChildren"]);


I've seen an error already, look at the code.

Why do you have a closing "End If" on the Sub Page_Load were you don't have an opening If? That should be End Sub

Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

End If

Post the the SQL error message that way it is easy to troubleshoot.

Dexter Zafra

I am creating a update member page. I would like the page to auto retrieve the information he or she originally used while registering on my site and display them into the individual textboxes of the update profile page, this is to prevent the hassle to rekey in every individual details and allow the user to edit what he or she wants before it is updated into the database.

I am having problem retrieving information from the database and displaying them into the individual asp.net web text boxes. I am trying to use SQL DataAdapter or SQL Reader, but both fails. Some help to resolve this problem please, an example with code snippets will be very much appreciated. :rolleyes:

Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        End If
 Private Sub displayrecord()
        Dim SqlDataAdapter1 As New SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM Member", SqlConnection1)
        Dim objReader As SqlDataReader
        Dim SqlCommand1 As New SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Member", SqlConnection1)
        objReader = SqlCommand1.ExecuteReader()
        txtbox_user.Text = objReader("MemberUserName")
        txtbox_password.Text = objReader("MemberPassword")
        txtbox_confirmpass.Text = objReader("MemberPassword")
        txtbox_name.Text = objReader("MemberName")
        txtbox_birthdate.Text = objReader("MemberDOB")
        txtbox_nric.Text = objReader("NRIC")
        txtbox_address.Text = objReader("MemberAddress")
        txtbox_contact.Text = objReader("MemberPhone")
        txtbox_email.Text = objReader("MemberEmail")
        Dropdown_Gender.SelectedValue = objReader("Gender")
        DropDown_Age.SelectedValue = objReader("Age")
        DropDown_Income.SelectedValue = objReader("Income")
        DropDown_Children.SelectedValue = objReader("NumofChildren")
        DropDown_HearUs.SelectedValue = objReader("HowDidYouKnowAboutUs")
    End Sub

Regarding this set of codes, can i know how to display the records using OleDbConnection, OleDbReader?

I have got the same problem, if anyone helps you they are helping me as well


Thanks.. I got the answer from your post!!!


your post is 3 years ago.. I'll answer it anyway..

just add:

Imports system.Data.OleDB -- for VB
using System.Data.OleDB -- for C#

then revise the code by changing Sql to OleDB..
EX: SqlCommand to OleDBCommand.

Hope this one helps!

Please i used a textbox (using a textmode as date inother for user to pick from calendar) to input a date into database but when i try to retrieve the information back to the textbox, the date does not display. i am using asp.net c#.
please help, its urgent
below is my code:

                    SqlDataReader dr = null;
                    SqlCommand sc = new SqlCommand("select * from holiday where holidayName= '" + TextBox1.Text + "' and flag='0' ", con);
                    dr = sc.ExecuteReader(); //reading record from database
                    while (dr.Read())
                        TextBox1.Text = (dr["holidayName"].ToString());
                        TextBox2.Text = (dr["date"].ToString());

Hello friends...
I am facing one problem in displaying database as my all code and connectivity is ok, but I do not know what problem may occur while I putting login id and password it is not accessing ....
anyone can help me.

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