Hi i have this form below and i cannot get it to display as a .cfm file within I.E. and i also get this error The value of the FROM attribute is invalid. The length of the string, 0 character(s), must be greater than or equal to 1 character(s).

I think there is some code missing but not sure what it is any help you be ace. P.S i have a online backup server so i could give you a free account for helping me!

<!--- GetLanguage --->
<cfquery name="qLanguage" datasource="#request.DSN#">
Select LanguageID, LanguageCode, LanguageName from Language

<!--- GetVersion --->
<cfquery name="qVersion" datasource="#request.DSN#">
Select VersionID, VersionName from Version

<!--- GetTimeZone --->
<cfquery name="qTimeZone" datasource="#request.DSN#">
Select TimeZoneID, TimeZone from TimeZone

<!--- GetType --->
<cfquery name="qType" datasource="#request.DSN#">
Select TypeID, Type from Type

<!--- GetType --->
<cfquery name="qClientType" datasource="#request.DSN#">
Select ClientTypeID, ClientType from ClientType

<!--- This Script Checks that the two password match and if they don't it returns user to complete again --->
<!-- Begin
function checkPw(form) {
password = document.NewUser.Password.value;
password2 = document.NewUser.ConfirmPassword.value;

if (password != password2) {
alert ("\nThe passwords you entered do not match. Please re-enter your password.")
return false;
// End -->

<table width="350" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="5" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">

<td width="50%" valign="top" bgcolor="#EFEFEF" class="TableTxt">

<cfform action="insert-user.cfm" method="post" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" name="NewUser" preloader="no" format="html">
<table align="center">

<td nowrap="nowrap" class="FormTitleTxt">Display Name: </td>
<td class="FormTitleTxt"><cfinput name="Alias" type="text" value="" required="yes" class="FormTxt" message="Please enter a Display Name"></td>
<td nowrap="nowrap" class="FormTitleTxt">Password:</td>
<td class="FormTitleTxt"><cfinput type="password" name="Password" required="yes" class="FormTxt" value="" message="Please enter a password" validate="noblanks"></td>
<td nowrap="nowrap" class="FormTitleTxt">Confirm Password:</td>
<td class="FormTitleTxt"><cfinput type="password" name="ConfirmPassword" required="yes" class="FormTxt" value="" message="Please confirm your password"></td>
<td nowrap="nowrap" class="FormTitleTxt">Email:</td>
<td class="FormTitleTxt"><cfinput type="text" name="Email" required="yes" class="FormTxt" value="" message="Please enter a valid email address" validate="email"></td>
<td nowrap="nowrap" class="FormTitleTxt">Language:</td>
<td class="FormTitleTxt"><cfselect name="LanguageID" class="FormTxt" query="qLanguage" value="LanguageID" display="LanguageName" selected="19"></cfselect></td>
<td nowrap="nowrap" class="FormTitleTxt">Operating System:</td>
<td class="FormTitleTxt"><cfselect name="VersionID" class="FormTxt" query="qVersion" value="VersionID" display="VersionName" selected="2"></cfselect></td>
<td nowrap="nowrap" class="FormTitleTxt"></td>
<td class="FormTitleTxt" align="right"><cfinput type="submit" name="Save" class="FormTxt" onClick="return checkPw(this)" value="Sign Up"></td>



1. Does the .cfm file display in other browsers.
2. I have tested the page that you have posted and did not get an error "FROM" as you have mentioned. Are you sure it is not a error on "FORM"?

I have a strange feeling that the issues you are having are with the javascript and not coldfusion. Can you provide a url to access the page live to allow closer investigation?

Hi i have this form below and i cannot get it to display as a .cfm file within I.E. and i also get this error The value of the FROM attribute is invalid. The length of the string, 0 character(s), must be greater than or equal to 1 character(s).

I think there is some code missing but not sure what it is any help you be ace. P.S i have a online backup server so i could give you a free account for helping me!

Hi there Spiderant, Many thanks for you post.

No the cfm file will not display in any browser i have not idea to what the error could be, If i could just get the form the display in a web browser that would be a great start.

I have two link that you can take a look at

backupserver1.123-backup dot com:8080/client/signup.cfm

backupserver1.123-backup dot com:8080/client/insert-user.cfm

Any help would be great

Once again many thanks

Attribute validation error for CFMAIL.
The value of the FROM attribute is invalid. The length of the string, 0 character(s), must be greater than or equal to 1 character(s).

It's an error from cfmail. It's just saying the sender address cannot be empty. Where in your code are you using CFMAIL?

Found the code on another site. It's this:

<cfmail to="#Form.Email#" [B]from=""[/B] subject="Blah Blah - New Account Confirmation" type="html">

The FROM address shouldn't be blank. Most mail servers would probably reject it anyway. Just put a valid email address in there.

That was easy, i feel silly now lol

Many thanks for you help.!

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