Ok back again! lol
I can easily use the ListSort to sort a predefined list:
<cfset myList = ListSort("wango, tango, jango,lolo,alpha","TextNoCase","ASC")>
Which results in a simple text in alphabetical order like so:
alpha, jango, lolo, tango, wango
What I WANT to do though is sort through a dynamic list which I thought would be something like this:
<cfset displayList = ListSort("#myList#", "TextNoCase", "ASC")>
Is it not possible to sort a dynamic list?
The unordered list I want sorted is saved temporarily in another file, then pulled in with a cfinclude.
<cfinclude template="vendorProductList.cfm">
I thought I could wrap the cfinclude with a <cfsavecontent variable = "myList"> and then sort the list with the above ListSort code. Dont know why this should work. Well other than my code order might be wrong. Any ideas anyone? Thanks in advance!