I am finding an extraneous  in a very simple cfm page. It does have a cfinclude of straight text named as a .cfm template. This character shows up with or without the cfinclude -- I add the cfinclude content into the main page and the character is still there. If I name the page .htm, no character. Charset is utf-8. This is driving me crazy!

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I don't see a stray characters. If it only happens with .cfm files, check your Application.cfm/cfc files. It runs every time you request a .cfm page. So it might be the culprit.

I have no application.cfm nor cfc's.... :(

Did you check all directories in the heirarchy? Because the code you posted doesn't create that character when run as a .cfm page. Create a simple test page with just 1 line:

If the character shows up, it's almost certainly an Application.cfm/cfc problem. If not, try copying the code into a new page. (Use a text editor like notepad). Does it still occur?

At the time I created the pages, there was only one directory (ie, no hierarchy at all). I have since put images in /images, styles in /styles. If you view the live page you'll see the character...

It's right below the marquee, and appears in both FireFox and IE.

.. and what happened with the test page? Does the character appear on ALL cfm pages or just that one?

If you view the source for the 2 pages, it's different. So what's the CFM code used to generate this section? It's not in the HTML you posted above.

src="images/linkedin.jpg" /></marquee></p>

	Â 			<br />&nbsp;<br />	

Sorry, I continued development on the htm page, yes the code is different (slightly) than what I posted. There are no includes, nothing cfml-specific. See source code for the public ip's I posted. I just got home from work, I will do a test page now.

Okay, I copied and pasted the code into notepad, pasted it back and no difference. <cfoutput>#now()#</cfoutput> does not have the error. I am now assuming it has to do with something in my css, but it is something that affects only cfml and not html? Never heard of such a thing.

There are two linked stylesheets. Took each one out separately, no change. Took both out, no change.

I copied the code into Notepad, then named it as test2.cfm, and no extraneous character... ??? I am using Dreamweaver CS3 for development, this is the first time I have used that (always used Studio)... ??

Thank you, "arghhh", issue solved. :)

Yeah, I've never used Dreamweaver. Probably some weird white space/encoding problem. Glad it's solved :)

the  occurs with extraneous spaces in cold fusion code.

No, it has nothing to do with space characters ie ascii 32

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