I am an retired untrained volunteer who assist a couple nonprofits with their web sites. I could really use some help on a problem I have been attempting to resolve.

I am developing an application for one of the sites that generates assignment cards for Football Game Officials from information in a a database (I use both Sql and access).

Please see http://www.gejfa.net/Billie/RefereeCards.aspx this page provides the desired information in a details list with paging enabled. This page has two variables Date “9/4/10” and Field “Inglemoor High” Hardcoded in it as listed below

<asp:AccessDataSource ID="AccessDataSource1" runat="server" DataFile="../Ross/FootballSched_copy(1).mdb" SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [Ref_Schedule] WHERE (([Date] = ?) AND ([Field] = ?))  ">
<asp:Parameter DefaultValue="9/4/2010" Name="Date" Type="DateTime" />
<asp:Parameter DefaultValue="Inglemoor High" Name="Field" Type="String" /> 

When I attempt to provide the variables from Dropdown list see http://www.gejfa.net/Billie/Ref_Sched1.aspx and http://www.gejfa.net/Billie/RefereeCards2.aspx
I get the first page alright and the pages genera
te the proper total number of pages but only the first page contains the Details List.

<asp:AccessDataSource ID="AccessDataSource1" runat="server" DataFile="../Ross/FootballSched_copy(1).mdb" SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [Ref_Schedule] WHERE (([Date] = ?) AND ([Field] = ?) )  ">
<asp:FormParameter FormField="DropdownlistDate" Name="Date"  Type= "DateTime"/>
<asp:formparameter FormField="DropdownlistField" Name="Field" Type="String" /> </SelectParameters>

Paging is enabled on both pages. The only difference in the pages are the <SelectParameters>.

I would very much appreciate any help you might provide – Thanking you in advance.

there may be problem in date conversion in your sql query

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