
[[All sample links may not work after the thread is solved, I will keep them up as long as I can though]]

I'm trying to make a graph work, which it does, not when CSS is present on a page though...

In my setup I use graph.php to create and generate a graph, it returns the image so it can be used in an <img> tag.

When I use graph.php by typing it directly into the browser it works exactly how I want it to.

Any help on how to fix the weird image "glitch" is appreciated.

Here is my graph.php page (sample output) and here is where I am having issues. I have posted below my graph.php code, the code block where it is called, and the CSS file.


header ('Content-Type: image/png');
 // Dataset definition    
 $DataSet = new pData;   
	//Variables from GET
 $LEG_1 	= $_GET['leg1'];
 $LEG_2 	= $_GET['leg2'];
 $LEG_3 	= $_GET['leg3'];
 $LEG_4 	= $_GET['leg4'];
 $LEG_5 	= $_GET['leg5'];
 $Y_AXIS 	= $_GET['y'];
 $X_AXIS 	= $_GET['x'];
 $FILE	 	= $_GET['file'];
 $TITLE 	= $_GET['title'];
 if($LEG_2 != null){$DataSet->SetSerieName($LEG_2,"Serie2");}
 if($LEG_3 != null){$DataSet->SetSerieName($LEG_3,"Serie3");}
 if($LEG_4 != null){$DataSet->SetSerieName($LEG_4,"Serie4");}
 if($LEG_5 != null){$DataSet->SetSerieName($LEG_5,"Serie5");}
 // Initialise the graph   
 $Test = new pChart(800,300);
 // Draw the 0 line   
 // Draw the line graph
 // Finish the graph   
 $filename = "temp/chart_".(time()*rand(1,100)).".png";

Code block containing calls to graph.php:

<div id="content">
      <h2>Global Statistics</h2>
	  <p>These charts display data for all servers, if you would like charts for an individual server please visit the <a href='http://mc.turt2live.com' class='footer_link'>home</a> page and choose a server.</p>
	  	<img src="http://turt2live.com/mc/graph.php?x=Hour of the Day&y=Number of People Online&leg1=New Users&leg2=All Users&leg3=Average Users&file=http://mc.turt2live.com/data/day.csv&title=Users in the Past 24 Hours">
		<img src="http://turt2live.com/mc/graph.php?x=Hour of the Day&y=Number of People Online&leg1=New Users&leg2=All Users&leg3=Average Users&file=http://mc.turt2live.com/data/week.csv&title=Users in the Past 1 Week">
		<img src="http://turt2live.com/mc/graph.php?x=Hour of the Day&y=Number of People Online&leg1=New Users&leg2=All Users&leg3=Average Users&file=http://mc.turt2live.com/data/month.csv&title=Users in the Past 1 Month">
		<img src="http://turt2live.com/mc/graph.php?x=Hour of the Day&y=Number of People Online&leg1=New Users&leg2=All Users&leg3=Average Users&file=http://mc.turt2live.com/data/alltime.csv&title=Users Online of All Time">

CSS File:

@charset "utf-8";
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@font-face {
    font-family: "minecraft";
    src: url("http://mc.turt2live.com/lib/minecraft.ttf");
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    font-family: Garamond, Arial, sans-serif;
    background-image: url("http://mc.turt2live.com/images/bg.gif");
    color: #c0c0c0;
#wrap {
    width: 960px;
    margin: 0 auto;
#content {
    background-image: url("http://mc.turt2live.com/images/content_bg.png");
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#content img {
    padding: 1px;
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#header {
    background-image: url("http://mc.turt2live.com/images/content_bg.png");
    padding: 3px 15px 15px 15px;
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#slider-wrap {
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    clear: both;
#footer {
    margin: 0 auto;
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/* Custom Formatting */
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The outputted image is a transparent PNG. Either change the output format (if possible), or put the image in a white background.

I never thought of that, thank you :)

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