I am working on this project and I am trying to create tutor groups and allocate students to it automatically based on the number of students. The max number of students in each group is 20 but can be less than 20.
I have been able to code is VBA to create tutor groups based
how do i convert this to ASP code and is it possible to insert the students into the groups? according to the groups created?
Private Sub Tutor_Group_no_Click()
Dim NoG As Integer, NoS As Integer
Dim rstut As New ADODB.Recordset
rstut.Open ("select * from tblTutor_Group"), CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
NoS = DCount("Student_Id", "Query_Computing_and_Information_Systems")
Do Until NoS < 0
rstut("Course_Id") = 1
NoS = NoS - 20
MsgBox "Done"
End Sub