Im after a way to code the following login script in javascript.
The login menu is a dropdown offering "log in for"~ select "x"minutes, hours, forever etc.

not sure if its possible in javascript?

You can certainly write cookies with JavaScript, yes. A simple web-search should reveal hundreds of examples. You can also use the JavaScript "timer" object to periodically check to see if a cookie has expired. So yeah, this could be done. However, it won't be secure.

You can certainly write cookies with JavaScript, yes. A simple web-search should reveal hundreds of examples. You can also use the JavaScript "timer" object to periodically check to see if a cookie has expired. So yeah, this could be done. However, it won't be secure.

Could somebody actually help me with a code for this. The idea is to create a dropdown login menu, with options like "log in for 30 mins" log in for 1 hour" log in for x hours" login forever(which would be virtually an autologin by ip. cookie stores ip and keeps your session neverending bascially?
can this be done?

Yes, it can be done, using the techniques I've already described. What specifically have you tried? At what point does it fail? You need to show us what you've already tried, what you already know, so we can help you properly.

As I said, there are lots of examples of how to read/write cookies with JavaScript, and the other object you'll need is the "timer" object.

Sorry, I did not make myself clear. I have been reading up about cookies, I can understand the principles behind how they work, however Im totally new to actually writing code, Im afraid I cant string 2 variables together for trying. I did try a cookie script but It didnt do anything at all. What Im asking is if you could please draft something like this, explaining where I should add/modify parts so I can work from it. I havent been able to find examples of such a cookie script.
Im just asking for an example roughly suited to the purpous I want, Ie to remain active session, so when a member closes the browser, they are not logged off but can return later (if not indefinate period atleast up to a few days later) and still be logged in provided they dont delete their own cookies. ?

Ok. I'll try to help, if you try to use apostrophes in your posts. Deal?

You set cookies using the "document.cookie" object. The arguments are name-value pairs:

document.cookie =
  'cookieName=cookieValue; expires=Thu, 23 Feb 2006 20:47:11 UTC; path=/'

Three pairs: the cookie name and value, the expiration date-time, and the path.

To read the cookie:

var x = readCookie('cookieName')
if (x)
	[do something with x]

Try that, make sure you can at least write and read the cookie. You do know how to at least create an HTML document with scripts, right?

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