OK.. so this is probably basic but, I can't seem to wrap my head around it.

The URL is like this.. http://Whatever.com?id=ThisID&title=AncorText

So.. I'm trying to use..

$id = $_GET['id'];
$title = $_GET['title'];

echo $id;
echo $title;


.. to place the variable parameters into a hyperlinked URL on the page where the above URL terminates..

I want the hyperlink on the page to look like this..

<a href="http://SomeOtherURL.com/ThisID/">AncorText</a>

The problem is that I can't seem to figure out how to call the variables into the hyperlink code without popping syntax errors..

Anyone feel like making me look stupid?..

lol.. thanks Mister.. makes me look stupid in all of 15 minutes :-D

I was forgetting to use the forward slashes.

echo "<a href=\"http://SomeOtherURL.com/$id/\">$title</a>";
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