I have finally got around to utilising jQuery form validation on a new site I am doing the coding for and even though everything is working exactly as it should I need to move one of the error messages to display below rather than to the right as the other error messages and even though I have an idea of how it is done I can't get it to work (of course I may be way off).
What I have done in the form so far is this
<p><label for="tsandcs"> </label>
<input name="tsandcs" id="tsandcs" type="checkbox" style="width:20px;" class="required" value="<?php if (isset($_POST['tsandcs'])) { echo 'checked'; } ?>" /> I agree to the Terms and Conditions </p>
<div id="tsandcs_error"></div>
And the JS
errorElement: "p",
errorPlacement: function(error, element){
I really could do with some help as I need the error text to display underneath the "I agree to ....." text rather then to the right.