Can anyone teach me how to print "Hello World" 100 times without using the loop such as do, for, while, and foreach.



    function printvalue($val)
          echo $val."<br>";


as far as i know you have to loop, thats exactly what repeating something is.

urtrivedi has done a good example of recursion, its basically long hand of doing what while($i > 1) does.

If you don't want a loop type it out 100 times

Member Avatar for diafol

I'd love to know the point of all this :)

Why decade?

How about something simple like:

echo str_repeat('Hello World ', 100);


commented: Simple but effective. Nice. +14
commented: Indeed, like Python print 100*'Hello World ', only I do not know PHP deeply enough to suggest. +12

You can also do it this way...C++ style... The $z is rolling in its own grease a 100 times ..

  call_user_func( $x = function( $yx, $z =1 ) {
echo (string)("Hello World <br/>"), $yx[floor($z/100)]($yx, ++$z);
}, array( $x, function(){} ));


Or, you could use:

echo implode(' ', array_fill(0, 100, 'Hello World'));


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