Greetings everyone,
I'm having a problem on displaying my picture on the image box. Instead it displays the picture on the image box, it opens a web page and displays it there.
Here's the code
conn = New SqlConnection("Server=Jeiku-shin-pc;Database=EnrollmentDB;Trusted_Connection=True")
Dim cmd As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand( _
"SELECT * FROM [Student Info] WHERE studentID = '" & _
studIDddl.Text & "' ", conn)
Dim sdr As SqlDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader()
If (sdr.Read() = True) Then
studLvlDDL.Text = sdr("studentLvl")
studentSectionTB.Text = sdr("studentSection")
firstNameTF.Text = sdr("firstName")
miTF.Text = sdr("middleInitial")
lastNameTF.Text = sdr("lastName")
genderTB.Text = sdr("gender")
bdayTB.Text = sdr("Birthdate")
ageTB.Text = sdr("personAge")
civilStatusDDL.Text = sdr("civilStatus")
homeAddressTF.Text = sdr("homeAddress")
telNoTF.Text = sdr("residenceNo")
cellNoTF.Text = sdr("cellNo")
motherNameTB.Text = sdr("motherName")
motherOccupationTB.Text = sdr("occupationMother")
fatherNameTB.Text = sdr("fatherName")
fatherOccupationTB.Text = sdr("occupationFather")
emergencyPersonTB.Text = sdr("emergencyPerson")
emergencyPtelTB.Text = sdr("residenceTelEP")
emergencyPcel.Text = sdr("cellNoEP")
topDDL.Text = sdr("TypeOfPayment")
'Image1 = sdr("PhotoFileName")
Dim byteArray As Byte() = sdr("PhotoFileName")
Response.ContentType = "image/jpeg"
End If