Hi, I have created a news block which has autoscrolling text using marquee tag. I have also created an event onmouseover scrolling text should stop. Now I want it like when text stops scrolling a scrollbar should appear n we could read the previous or next news by scrolling text using scrollbar. Can anyone help me?

you can use jquery for it. Scroll bar doesnot look good option, rather you can set button or linke for next or previous kind of navigation

can u plz help me with the code?

what have you tried so far?

post it here

<fieldset width="96%" class="T_Border">
            <legend font-size:10px class="theading2">News</legend>
              <div >
                <table width="98%" height="195px" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" >
                 <marquee height=190 id="scrollnews" direction="up" scrollamount="2">
                  <div  style="height:190px" onMouseOver="document.getElementById('scrollnews').stop();" onMouseOut="document.getElementById('scrollnews').start();">
                      <table height="160px" width="99%" border="0"  cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"  align="left" >

                        <% int rowCnt3=1;%>
                        <c:forEach var="dispnews"  items="${NewsInfo}">

                        <tr height="1px">
                        <td  height="1px" class="cell1h" align="left"><c:out value="${dispnews.fnewsStartDate}"/> </td>
                        <input type="hidden" id="newsstartdateTD<%=rowCnt3%>" name="newsstartdateTD<%=rowCnt3%>" value="${dispnews.fnewsStartDate}">
                        <tr height="1px">
                        <td  height="1px" class="cell1h" align="left"><c:out value="${dispnews.fnewsTitle}"/> </td>
                        <input type="hidden" id="newstitleTD<%=rowCnt3%>" name="newstitleTD<%=rowCnt3%>" value="${dispnews.fnewsTitle}">
                        <td  class="cell2h" align="left"><c:out value="${dispnews.fnewsDescription}"/> </td>
                        <input type="hidden" id="newsdescriptionTD<%=rowCnt3%>" name="newsdescriptionTD<%=rowCnt3%>" value="${dispnews.fnewsDescription}">


                              <% rowCnt3++; %>   
                        <td align="right" class="cell1h">
                          <span  onClick="morenewspopup();"> 
                             <a href="#">...more</a>

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