I am trying to get my code working so that I can store the path of an uploaded picture onto a table so that I can call upon the uploaded file whenever I need it.
So what happens on the web page is, a person enters information on a vehicle and they click submit to enter the information onto our database. Then after that they are taken to another page that I am trying to set up to be referenced to that specific vehicle entry using the entry ID, on this page the person will be able to upload photos of the vehicle to our web server which will be stored in a folder and I would like to be able to pull off of it an upload ID and the path to access the photo and store it in another table that will hold the vehicles ID in the vehicle table and then the photos id in the photo table and the path to access the photo all of course in their own separate columns in the photo table so that on the page that results, I can display the vehicle information with a main picture decided by its reference ID matching the vehicle ID and the picture ID being the lowest in the sequence that is attached to that vehicle's ID number. Then I would like to be able to display the remaining photoes if there are any in a grid so that others can view them at their liesure. I would also like to be able to run a slide show that shows the main pictures of each vehicle stored on the database using the same method used to display the main picture of the vehicle