Hi i need a simple timer for seconds which keep increment.
0 1 2 3 ....30
Can anyone help?

Not Tested:

var timer = {

    // ID of div to display the time
    divId: "myDivId",

    // Used to store the div object
    div: undefined,

    // Used to store the interval object
    interval: undefined,

    // Used to store the current time
    currentTime: 0,

    // Initialize timer
    init : function() {

        timer.div = document.getElementById(timer.divId);

        timer.interval = setInterval(function() {

            timer.currentTime = currentTime + 1;


        }, 1000); // 1000 milliseconds = 1 second

    updateTimeDisplay: function() {
        timer.div.innerHTML = timer.currentTime + " seconds";

    stop: function() {


// Initialize timer

// Stop timer after 100000 milliseconds
setTimeout(function() {


}, 100000);
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