Hai all ,
I am trying to make a google+ siginin button for my site. I went through this link https://developers.google.com/+/web/signin/#button_attributes and tried to make it working but now my styling is all messed up. I am not able to mess around with the [class='g-sinin'] in CSS.
This is my code:

<section class='login_G' >
   <span class='g-signin' data-callback='signinCallback' 

My css:

.login_G {
  cursor: pointer;
  margin-left: 35px;
  float: left;
  height: 72px;
  width: 72px;
  background:url(images/register-google-sprite.png) 0 0;

How do I hide the default class class='g-signin' or make it good. If I remove the class inside the span then whole google+ signin function goes off. Can anyone tell me how can I make the siginin function work when clicked on the background image.

Member Avatar for LastMitch

Google+ signin button [class='g-signin']

I think you might have post this in the wrong section.

The issue you are having is with the design with CSS not with javascript.

I mean the Google + code is very self explanatory.

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