Here's a weird one... I have a toggle for a music file that plays when the site loads. There's a stop/play button on the page as well.
On every browser, things work just fine. The music plays, the text says turn off/turn on just as it should.
Except Ipad.
When the page loads on an ipad, the song isn't playing. Yet, when I click the music off button, it turns the music on, and the text still says "turn off" - as it should when the page loads, and everything works as it should from there on. Weird. No settings have been changed on the ipad itself, so I'm stumped.
There's nothing in the css affecting these sections, so it's not a stylesheet issue.
Here's the javascript:
$(document).ready(function() {
if (!$("#song")[0].paused)
$("#music_control").text("MUSIC ON");
$("#music_control2").text("MUSIC ON");
} else {
$("#music_control").text("MUSIC OFF");
$("#music_control2").text("MUSIC OFF");
and here's the html content:
<div id="music">
<audio id="song" autoplay loop>
<source src="music/12_full_prom_night_0132.ogg" type="audio/ogg" />
<source src=" music/12_full_prom-night_0132.mp3" type="audio/mpeg" />
Your browser does not support the audio element.
<a href="#" id="music_control2" class="">MUSIC OFF</a>