Having a text file:
$string =
'1) The most important feature of spiral model is: requirement analysis. risk management. quality management. configuration management 2) The worst type of coupling is: Data coupling. control coupling. stamp coupling. content coupling 3) One of the fault base testing techniques is: unit testing. beta testing. Stress testing. mutation testing 4) A fault simulation testing technique is: Mutation testing. Stress testing. Black box testing. White box testing. 5) RS is also known as specification of: White box testing. Stress testing. Integrated testing. Black box testing 6) Which of these terms is a level name in the Capability Maturity Model?: Ad hoc. Repeatable. Reusable. Organized 7) FP-based estimation techniques require problem decomposition based on?: information domain values. project schedule. software functions. process activities 8) What types of models are created during software requirements analysis?: Functional and behavioral. Algorithmic and data structure. Architectural and structural. Usability and reliability 9) Which of the following is not an attribute of software engineering: Efficiency. Scalability. Dependability. Usability'
And a code that reads the question and answers text file and put in an html form format:
<title>Question and Answer Read From Text File</title>
<form action="processor.php" method="POST" align="center">
<b><u> QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS QUIZ</u></b> <br /><br />
$openFile = fopen("questionandanswers.txt", "r") or exit ("unable to open the text file");
$string = fread($openFile, filesize("questionandanswers.txt"));
//Regex to get from the first number to the string's end, so we ignore the Number Question... bit;
preg_match('/\d.*/', $string, $match);
//We get all the strings starting with a number until it finds another number (which will be the beginning of another question;
preg_match_all('/\d\D*/', $match[0], $results);
$qas = array(); // We prepare an array that will store the questions/answers
foreach($results[0] as $result)
//Separating the question from the string with all the answers.
list($question, $all_answers) = explode(':', $result);
//Separating the different answers
$answers_array = explode('.', $all_answers);
//Storing the question and the array with all the answers into the previously prepared array;
$qas[] = array('question' => $question, 'answers' => $answers_array);
//Looping through the array and outputting all the info into a form;
foreach($qas as $k=>$v)
echo "<input id='text_disabled' style='width:40%' type='text' value='".$v['question']."' name='questions[]' disabled>";
echo "<select name='selected_answers[]'>";
foreach($v['answers'] as $answer){
echo "<option value='".$answer."'>".$answer."</option>";
echo "</select>";
echo "<br/><br/>";
<input type="submit" value="Submit Answers">  <input type="reset" value ="Clear Answers">
Upon submission I am trying to compute the total marks scored after undertaking the test, plus diplaying the answered questions and if possible the other answers too... This is the furthest I have gone but it seems to be not working, Kindly assist me to get this right. Thank you.
These are the codes:
$answers = $_POST['selected_answers'];
//Question one
if ($answers[0]=="risk management")
echo '<br />';
//second question
if ($answers[1]=="Data coupling")
echo '<br />';
//third question
if ($answers[2]=="Unit testing")
echo '<br />';
//fourth question
if ($answers[3]=="Mutation testing")
echo '<br />';
//fifth question
if ($answers[4]=="white box testing")
echo '<br />';
//sixth question
if ($answers[5]=="Ad hoc")
echo '<br />';
//seventh question
if ($answers[6]=="information domain values")
echo '<br />';
//eigth question
if ($answers[7]=="Functional and behavioral")
echo '<br />';
//nineth question
if ($answers[8]=="Efficiency")
echo '<br />';
echo '<br />';
//code to generate the total score
echo "<b>Total Outcome = $total </b>";