I am a 3rd yr student and I have to do a FYP project. So guys can you please suggest topics that come across your mind( projects that you would do as your FYP). I am planning to make it web based system using HTML/CSS, PHP and the duration for the project is 20 weeks.

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Something that will take flash and convert it into html5 + CSS3 + javascript. I think that would be amazing and useful

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Thanks guys, but not much of topics. Please guys help me out.

Search this forum, plenty of topics on projects. YOU need to select something YOU like.

thanks for the info

E-commerce website or blog =)

As @prit has said, you should pick something YOU enjoy. Saying that, have you thought about the idea of online compilers / text editors? Using PHP and Ajax to maybe have a real-time text editor online where multiple people could get involved?

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This depends on your level of expertise. 20 weeks is a long time, but not very long if you have to spend at least half of it learning new languages/markup.

Whatever you choose, don't be too ambitious and set yourself realistic milestones. Do not start adding cool little extras that will eat up your time like a pirhana at a BBQ. Stay focused. Research good programming practice - DRY, OOP etc. The last thing you want is to create spaghetti code that even you won't understand after a week off.

Sorry not suggesting a topic as that's up to you. We can't possibly guess where your interests lie. Could it be "app'd" at a future date? If you have time at the end, you could use something like PhoneGap to create apps from your html/css/js.

Remember that javascript could bring your creation alive in a way that css along cannot. If you're struggling for time, use a library/framework like jQuery.

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