include ('database_connection.php');
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$qry="SELECT c.categoryID,c.categoryname, count(*) as nb
from tbl_categories c, tbl_product p WHERE c.categoryID=p.categoryID and availability='Available' GROUP BY c.categoryID,c.categoryname";
<li><a class="active" href="category.php?categoryID=<?php echo $obj->categoryID; ?>"> <? echo $obj->categoryname,' (',$obj->nb,')'; ?></a>
<?php $qry1="Select c.subcategoryID, c.subcategoryname, c.categoryID, count(*) as nbs from tbl_subcategories c, tbl_product
p where c.subcategoryID=p.subcategoryID AND c.categoryID=".$obj->categoryID." and availability='Available' Group by c.subcategoryID, c.subcategoryname";
<a href="subcategory.php?subcategoryID=<?php echo $ob->subcategoryID; ?>"><? echo $ob->subcategoryname,' (',$ob->nbs,')'; ?></a>
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$for = "banner";
$qr= mysql_query("select * from tbl_pages where `for` ='$for'");
$count = 0;
while($obj= mysql_fetch_object($qr))
<div class="item <?php if($count==0) echo 'active';?>">
<img src="<?php echo $obj->image;?>" alt=""> <!-- Echo Picture -->
<div class="carousel-caption">
<h4><?php echo $obj->title; ?></h4> <!-- echo Title -->
<p><?php echo $obj->text; ?></p> <!-- echo Description -->
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<h2>News</h2><br />
<div class="row">
Place code to connect to your DB here.
// include your code to connect to DB.
$tbl_name="tbl_news"; //your table name
// How many adjacent pages should be shown on each side?
$adjacents = 3;
First get total number of rows in data table.
If you have a WHERE clause in your query, make sure you mirror it here.
$query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $tbl_name";
$total_items = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($query));
/* Setup vars for query. */
$targetpage = "index.php"; //your file name (the name of this file)
$limit = 4; //how many items to show per page
if(isset($_GET['page'])) {
$page = $_GET['page'];
$start = ($page - 1) * $limit; //first item to display on this page
} else {
$page = 0;
$start = 0; //if no page var is given, set start to 0
/* Get data. */
$sql = "SELECT newsID, title, post, author, date, time as sd FROM tbl_news Order By newsID DESC LIMIT $start, $limit";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
/* Setup page vars for display. */
if ($page == 0) $page = 1; //if no page var is given, default to 1.
$prev = $page - 1; //previous page is page - 1
$next = $page + 1; //next page is page + 1
$lastpage = ceil($total_items[0]/$limit); //lastpage is = total pages / items per page, rounded up.
$lpm1 = $lastpage - 1; //last page minus 1
Now we apply our rules and draw the pagination object.
We're actually saving the code to a variable in case we want to draw it more than once.
$pagination = "";
if($lastpage > 1)
$pagination .= "<div class=\"pagination pagination-centered\"><ul>";
//previous button
if ($page > 1)
$pagination.= "<li><a href=\"$targetpage?page=$prev\">previous</a></li>";
$pagination.= "<li class=\"disabled\"><a href=\"#\">previous</a></li>";
if ($lastpage < 7 + ($adjacents * 2)) //not enough pages to bother breaking it up
for ($counter = 1; $counter <= $lastpage; $counter++)
if ($counter == $page)
$pagination.= "<li class=\"active\"><a href=\"#\">$counter</a></li>";
$pagination.= "<li><a href=\"$targetpage?page=$counter\">$counter</a></li>";
elseif($lastpage > 5 + ($adjacents * 2)) //enough pages to hide some
//close to beginning; only hide later pages
if($page < 1 + ($adjacents * 2))
for ($counter = 1; $counter < 4 + ($adjacents * 2); $counter++)
if ($counter == $page)
$pagination.= "<li class=\"active\"><a href=\"#\">$counter</a></li>";
$pagination.= "<a href=\"$targetpage?page=$counter\">$counter</a>";
$pagination.= "<a href=\"#\">...</a>";
$pagination.= "<a href=\"$targetpage?page=$lpm1\">$lpm1</a>";
$pagination.= "<a href=\"$targetpage?page=$lastpage\">$lastpage</a>";
//in middle; hide some front and some back
elseif($lastpage - ($adjacents * 2) > $page && $page > ($adjacents * 2))
$pagination.= "<a href=\"$targetpage?page=1\">1</a>";
$pagination.= "<a href=\"$targetpage?page=2\">2</a>";
$pagination.= "<a href=\"#\">...</a>";
for ($counter = $page - $adjacents; $counter <= $page + $adjacents; $counter++)
if ($counter == $page)
$pagination.= "<li class=\"active\"><a href=\"#\">$counter</a></li>";
$pagination.= "<a href=\"$targetpage?page=$counter\">$counter</a>";
$pagination.= "<a href=\"#\">...</a>";
$pagination.= "<a href=\"$targetpage?page=$lpm1\">$lpm1</a>";
$pagination.= "<a href=\"$targetpage?page=$lastpage\">$lastpage</a>";
//close to end; only hide early pages
$pagination.= "<a href=\"$targetpage?page=1\">1</a>";
$pagination.= "<a href=\"$targetpage?page=2\">2</a>";
$pagination.= "<a href=\"#\">...</a>";
for ($counter = $lastpage - (2 + ($adjacents * 2)); $counter <= $lastpage; $counter++)
if ($counter == $page)
$pagination.= "<li class=\"active\"><a href=\"#\">$counter</a></li>";
$pagination.= "<a href=\"$targetpage?page=$counter\">$counter</a>";
//next button
if ($page < $counter - 1)
$pagination.= "<a href=\"$targetpage?page=$next\">next</a>";
$pagination.= "<li class=\"disabled\"><a href=\"#\">next</a></li>";
$pagination.= "</ul></div>\n";
////News Section
if ($result) {
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
echo '<h5>'.$row['title'].'</h5>'.$row['post'].'<br />
<h5>Posted by : <b>'.$row['author'].'</b>   '.$row['date'].'   '.$row['sd'].'</h5><br />';
} else {
echo 'There are no news posts to display';
<div class="pagination">
<?php echo $pagination; ?>
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