I want to open and dialog box on onclick of image.
for that , i had written below onclick code to call function and pass parameter to it.
this $skills_id is unique.
What I want next is,
using this $skills_id, I want open dialog box which fetches and shows details using taht perticular $skills_id
echo "<td><span>".CHtml::link('<input type="image"
title="Approve/Disapprove Skill" style="height:15px; width:15px" class="form-button1" value="VIEW" id="say_it">','#',
but how to open a dialog box?
i want it like
<div id='box2'>
<?$name= name($skill_id);
Name: <? echo $name; ?>
designation: <? echo $designation; ?>
<!-- details like this. -->
<div id='id_disapprove_note'>
<span class='form_lable_'><?php echo CHtml::label('Comments','disapprove_comment').": "?></span>
<?php echo CHtml::TextArea('disapprove_comment','',$htmlOptions=array('style'=>"width: 250px",'class'=>'required','rows' => 6,
'cols' => 28, 'maxlength'=>500,'id'=>'disapprove_note'.$skills_id ,'title'=>'Please provide comments for Disappoval')) ?>
<? echo CHtml::button('approve', array('id'=>'approve','onclick'=>'approve(1,'.$skills_id.',"'.$EmployeeName.'","'.$EmployeeGSID.'")','style'=>'position: absolute;margin-left:29%;',));?>
<? echo CHtml::button('disapprove', array('id'=>'disapprove','onclick'=>'approve(2,'.$skills_id.',"'.$EmployeeName.'","'.$EmployeeGSID.'")','style'=>'position: absolute;margin-left:45%;')); ?>
and on onclick, in approve ().
i want to take comments from box and close the dialog box.