hi guys.
i badly need help with a project
am new to asp.net and i have to develope a website using visual studio express for web.

i have no idea where to start from after installing the IDE. i need some advice and recommendation..

please help.
thank you.

I recommend using the 2015 community edition instead of express.

If you select File -> New -> Web Site you get a range of options. Depending on the technology you want to use, take a pick.

i don't have any experience at all with programing and web. this is my first time.

please help me

@ AleMonteiro

Oh boy, you got a lot to learn, it'll be fun.

First of all I suggest you to read about basic fundamentals of the web: http://www.tutorialspoint.com/web_developers_guide/web_basic_concepts.htm

Then, if you don't know it, you should learn HTML and a little of CSS (javaScript can come latter) :

Then you should learn about basic programming concepts (vars, methods, ifs, loops and etc.):
Obs.: I've assumed that you'll use C#

Since you're starting with ASP.NET it'll be good to have a basic knowlodge of OOP (Object Oriented Programming) too:

If you can handle the HTML you want and if you got a basic knowlodge of web servers and a basic notion of programming, then you can start with ASP.NET (or any other server side language):

Oh, you can also setup your env while you read to test somethings out:

Happy reading =)

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