Hello, this is my first post, so thank you in advance for any help you may be able to give!
I have an ASP page that I need to have pull some information from a SQL table and display. The query in question is very simple:
rs.open "SELECT UID2, EntryDate, EntryAgent FROM tb_LeadBox WHERE UID2 = '1258753'"
If I view the page with this query, I get a blank page with no header, and not even the column names in the display table.
If I then remove the WHERE clause so that the query is:
rs.open "SELECT UID2, EntryDate, EntryAgent FROM tb_LeadBox"
then the query runs, the page runs, and displays the result set.
I have also tried rs.Filter = "UID2 = '1258753'" with the exact same result, a blank page.
Looking at the source code, the table shows the first result, but again, nothing actually displays. This fact, along with the fact that the query works in SQL Query Analyzer, indicates to me that it isn't a problem with the query, but with how ASP is handling it. Any help? Additional source is below. Thank you all very much!
dim qCallGroupFilter
userid = request.servervariables("LOGON_user")
<CENTER><B><FONT size=5 color="black">Data Entry Lead Count
For Call Group: <%response.write qCallGroupFilter%></FONT></B></CENTER>
<CENTER><B><FONT size=5 color="black">Last Updated: <%RESPONSE.WRITE SLASTUPDATE%></font></b> </center>
<button onClick="lockCol('tbl')" id="toggle">Lock Name Column</button>
<div id="tbl-container">
<table id="tbl" border=1 align=center cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=100%>
<thead><tr><th align=center>Count</th><th align=center>Entry Agent</th><th align=center>Entry Date</th><th align=center>User ID</th></tr></thead>
dim cnt
dim strSQL
dim strWhere
dim SStr
set RS.ActiveConnection = CONN
rs.open "SELECT UID2, EntryDate, EntryAgent FROM tb_LeadBox WHERE UID2 = '1258753'"
do while not rs.eof
<TD id=r<%=rs("EntryAgent")%>c0 align=center><%= cnt %>
<TD id=r<%=rs("EntryAgent")%>c1 align=center><%=rs("EntryAgent")%>
<TD id=name_c2 c2 align=left><%=rs("EntryDate")%>
<TD id=r<%=rs("UID2")%>c1 align=center><%=rs("UID2")%>
</div> <!-- end tbl-container -->
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