I have some php code on view invoice and it's getting all the data I need to from three database tables but for some reason it's not getting the data for one specific column and unsure why

I have done a echo sql and it is echoing the sql query ok and have ran the sql query in phpmyadmin and is displaying the column in phpmyadmin that is not displaying on the php page so am bit confused, below is the coding I have. I took out a lot of it and tried to keep to the relevant parts

$sql = "SELECT t1.id, t1.invoice_number, DATE_FORMAT(t1.invoice_date,'%d/%m/%Y') AS invoice_date, t1.user_id, t2.invoice_number, t2.service_name, t2.service_price, t3.user_id, t3.customer_name, t3.customer_phone, t3.customer_email, t2.service_name, t2.service_price, t1.invoice_total, t1.balance, t1.notes, DATE_FORMAT(t1.payment_date,'%d/%m/%Y') AS payment_date, t1.payment_method
FROM invoices as t1
LEFT JOIN invoice_products as t2
ON t1.id = t2.invoice_id
LEFT JOIN users as t3
ON t1.user_id = t3.user_id
WHERE t1.user_id = '".$_SESSION['user_id']."' and t1.id = '".$_GET['id']."'";

$result = mysqli_query($connect, $sql);

                if(mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0)
                if($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result))  

                Notes: <?php echo $row['notes'];?>


What is the data type of Invoices.notes? Specifically, is it either a BLOB or [VAR]BINARY, rather than [VAR]CHAR or TEXT? I know it is unlikely, but it was something I thought worth asking about.

For that matter, has anyone had a problem printing a TEXT value? That was actually my first thought, since that seemed the most likely type for the value, but I would be surprised if it were the problem.

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