am trying to delete a record but I have this message:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'ProductID = , 1567'.

/salem/pages/fresh_food/TMP3rfr35u5pa.ASP, line 74

I looked at the meaning but so far I can't see that there is no reserved words I used or space, comma, any idea?

Maybe if you include the actual query statement from the code.

/salem/pages/fresh_food/TMP3rfr35u5pa.ASP, line 74

maybe posting this question in an ASP forum with more details [relevant code] would help better.

in query expression 'ProductID = , 1567'.

Actually I just noticed this, and would have to assume your problem is here. Either you forgot something before the comma, or added the comma when you should not have.

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