Hi guys,
I need some help with setting up and using joomla on my site. If you wish to help me, this is some stuff you should know:

I want someone to help me for free but I will still pay every now and then if they do something for me that's hard or takes a lot of time..
I'll pay via paypal.

I need someone who's TRUSTWORTHY and speaks perfect english.
There will also be SOME raw PHP editing required so you need to know PHP aswell...


PM me for more info or post here!

What sorta things do you need help with?

Personally, I just re-packaged the Joomla RPM for Plesk 8.0.1, installed countless mods's/themes and created my own mods.

What sorta things do you need help with?

Personally, I just re-packaged the Joomla RPM for Plesk 8.0.1, installed countless mods's/themes and created my own mods.

Sounds like you're definately capable then!!
I would basically need someone to help me with:

Installing joomla (and maybe even uploading it, since my upload speeds are awful on FTP!).

Editing the templates (from colour schemes to changing position of nav to adding boxes etc).

Generally customising pages

Customising member's area


My limit is around £60 but I could end up paying more/less... It depends what happens really!
It will basically be lots of small jobs and maybe from one to three medium-sized jobs.
I would offer you a price for EACH JOB SEPERATELY, before you started so we can agree on the pricing...


PS If you're still interested, PM me

Oh yeah, and I'd also like to add that I'm not completely stupid so if you said to me "open index.php and add this line of text under where it says "blah", I can do it... lol

Oh yeah, and I'd also like to add that I'm not completely stupid so if you said to me "open index.php and add this line of text under where it says "blah", I can do it... lol


I can help with some stuff, not all. Joomla can be a pain to mod.. PM me if you wish.


I can surly help you in Joomla. I can even do customisation of Joomla dn work at its code elevel done couple of projects in jomla.

PM me if you need any help or if you are interested to talk to me.

What sorta things do you need help with?

Personally, I just re-packaged the Joomla RPM for Plesk 8.0.1, installed countless mods's/themes and created my own mods.

How did you repackage it. Do you have it available? ;)
I am using CentOS 4.2 and Plesk 8.1 with Application Vault.
Since I am interested to mainly use Joomla for CMS sites, I wanted to use the Application Vault to install Joomla.

Let me know.

Wow, this thread is still going! :P

I do still need help though:
I need someone who can:

1. Make joomla templates (with liquid width)
2. Install joomla/joomla mods easily
3. speak english well
4. receive payments (from me) via paypal
5. Talk once a day or more on MSN, AIM or YIM...

If you're still interested PM me.

Hello, you done some selections yet? I am willing to help wherever and whenever I can.

What sorta things do you need help with?

Personally, I just re-packaged the Joomla RPM for Plesk 8.0.1, installed countless mods's/themes and created my own mods.

I am implementing Plesk 8.0.1 soon, and want to add Joomla to the Application Pack. Is there any particular trick to it? Or is it straight-forward?

... SierraPat

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