For some reason I keep getting the following error:

error '80020009' Exception occurred.

It applies to the line of code:

If (cInt(objRS("User_ID")) = Cookie_ID) Then

for some reason it freaks out with "cInt(objRS("User_ID"))" when it runs through the db to find a User ID that matches that in their cookie. I have also found that if I alter the code, remove cInt(objRS("User_ID"))" from the above line of code, and add in an incremental integer based variable, it seems to work fine. I know it's not compairing the info from the DB, but this was the way I found what was causing the problem.

Dim conn, mydb
set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Open mydb

Dim objRS, bolFound

set objRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")
objRS.Open "User_Info", conn, , 3, 2 

bolFound = False

Do Until objRS.EOF or bolFound
    If (cInt(objRS("User_ID")) = Cookie_ID) Then
        BolFound = True
    End If


Try to find out whether objRS("User_ID") has some records or not? Another thing is the data type of User_ID, is it int?

Mostly this exception occurs if you try to casst different data types of variables.

Try to find out whether objRS("User_ID") has some records or not? Another thing is the data type of User_ID, is it int?

Mostly this exception occurs if you try to casst different data types of variables.

cool, thanks. I figured out yesterday. The Access DB file had held on to a deletion from it's original programer leaving a "#deleted" in all fields for that spacific record. Causing the int data type for the User_ID to have an error. Im wasn't sure why it holds on to this deletion note, and it would not allow me to remove this record at all. I had to export it as a new Access DB file and then it allowed me to remove this record.

thanks again.

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