I am designing a small advertisement management program in asp, and Sql Server 2000 as database.
My table has the following fields which are pretty self explanatory:
bannerId, bannertitle, bannerurl, imageURL, bannerpirority
bannerId = Autoincrement to generate unique id for a banner ad
bannertitle = String title of the banner
bannerurl = URL where the image is linked
imageURL = URL of the image file
bannerpirority = pirority of the banner to be displayed (1 = lowest, 5 = highest)
Now, I want to display the banner on a page based on its pirority, like if there are 3 banners A, B, C which have the pirority 1,2,3 respectively so banner C should be displayed more times as compared to banner B. Banner B should be displayed more times then banner A
Hope you got me, its like the more pirority a banner gets, the more its being displayed.
I am using the following SQl Query but I dnt think its the proper logic, can u plz help me?
select top 1 * from tbl_banner_management order by newid(), bannerpirority desc
Thanx in advance for your help.