<div id="sidebar">
<logic:present name="userVO">
<logic:iterate id="element" name="userVO" property="features" indexId="i">
<a href="<bean:write name="userVO" property='<%= "featuresLinks["+ i +"]" %>' />" class="sidebar"> <html:image src="<bean:write name="userVO" property='<%= "imagePaths["+ i +"]" %>' />"/> </a>
<version data="11.01.04svp1"><sysinfo data=""></sysinfo></version>
I am trying to place a link with an image. However, I am getting run-time exception that says "equal symbol expected" in the expression.. It points to 'O' in userVO in the image:src
I am totally lost on why I am getting this error.. and any help/pointers in this regard will be much appreciated.