Anyone can suggest how put a contact form on my site or can you please recommend me a php script or some free form builder?

Usually forms come in two parts, the actual HTML and a server side processing script in PHP. The HTML is how everything is displayed and where the information is input through textboxes, checkboxes, etc.. Then the values input are passed to the PHP page and processed i.e. emailed to you, posted in a spreadsheet or database etc.

Hope that gives you an idea on where to start.

Usually forms come in two parts, the actual HTML and a server side processing script in PHP. The HTML is how everything is displayed and where the information is input through textboxes, checkboxes, etc.. Then the values input are passed to the PHP page and processed i.e. emailed to you, posted in a spreadsheet or database etc.

Hope that gives you an idea on where to start.

We used PHP for our contact form:

If you would like to get the code for this please email me

E Mathew

You can use http://www.freedback.com/
for making a good contact page. Just what you have to do is sign up there & make a contact form of all the things u want . Then some clicks and you will get the code to implement for using the form. now just paste the code & enjoy ....

With Regards
Shashi Agrawal

Thank you for suggestions.So far I found freedback and this free <a href="">web form</a> builder which unlike freedback does not show any advertising in the free plan! ;-)

There's a good contact form here :)

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