Hello all...I am in a rut, confused.
I have created an html/php web form it works fine, the user enters the info and submits it to a confirmation page and then when the user clicks ok I need for the information to be sent to 2 email address' one it theres and the other is my own. I have read tutorials and I have 2 books, but I am confused. Can any one help me?
This is what I have in the confirmation page for when they click ok so it is sent to the email address...
<form method="POST"
<input type="hidden" name="mailto"
<h4>Please confirm the following information</h4>
Title: <?php echo $_POST["title"]; ?>
First Name: <?php echo $_POST["fname"]; ?>
MI: <?php echo $_POST["mname"]; ?>
Last Name: <?php echo $_POST["lname"]; ?>
...etc etc...
Thanks much!!