1,250 Topics
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Guys who know how to develop custom rom ? | |
i am implementing Google Drive in Android with Java code i didnt use Android formats, i just created client id and i used in Manifest <meta-data android:name="com.google.android.apps.drive.APP_ID" android:value="id=344123456789"/> and my code to create folder is credential = GoogleAccountCredential.usingOAuth2(this, Collections.singleton(DriveScopes.DRIVE)); credential.setSelectedAccountName(accountName); service = getDriveService(credential); java.io.File fileContent = new java.io.File(path); FileContent mediaContent … | |
Hello! I want to create water drops main screen as well as on icons(images shown on that screen). The capacity of number of rain drops is decided at run time. In assets, i have background image and some icons. Actually what i wanted to do is to create a water … | |
I have a series of activities the last of which holds results. I have 'Send to Printer' button which needs to send these results to a wireless printer. Can anyone give me an example of doing this? I''ve trawled the web but there seems to be very little on this … | |
Hi, I am programming an app and facing a problem now. I want to Update my Database over the GUI from my App via PHP. My Problem is that the app always sends the value of the checkbox even if it is unchecked. I will post my Script below. update.php … | |
Dear all! I am gonna devlop a launcher in android studio in which icons of all apps are created(app's original icon+some effects) at run time. Kindly provide me suggestion, what should i do? I am having problem in making it's logic. Thanks in advance...! | |
I am new to Android, Now i need to integrate my app with Google Drive i have search google a lot, i have got Drive quick start sample from git hub (https://github.com/googledrive/android-quickstart) but while i am running it is always showing Mail authentication Dialog. please help me. And also i … | |
Hi guys, I am programming an Android App and I am trying to do a multiple SQL insert but it doesn't work. Can someone help me? And I also want to have the ID from the new created student. How do I get that ? <?PHP if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']=='POST'){ $Name = $_POST['Name']; … | |
What is the best way, using technology, to discern whether someone has gone from an awake state to a sleep state. Ideally, this would be something passive and non invasive/not limited to the room or location the person is in. Ideally this thing would be: 1) efficient 2) cheap 3) … ![]() | |
So i have been searching all the net but haven't exactly found what I'm looking for and I'm starting to believe that it is impossible. The problem is that I have a local MS SQL Server stored on my notebook. What I would like to do is an android application … | |
I want to develope app for android which open realtime camera from application and in that i can change different color or shades of lips(Mouth) ...i am stuck .. i wasted so much time in this please revert me back soon | |
Hi everyone, I've no idea how to design the grid layout like this :  My image is square and I want to make it responsive to mobile and tablet. I only have title, price and image in one grid. Any can help me on this kind of design? … | |
Hi! I'm interested in being able to detect when someone goes from an awake state to a sleep state. I know this is possible with both the iPhone and Android devices as there are apps on both of these that claim to do this: On IOS there are: 1) Sleep … | |
I'm back here after a very long period. And see lots of changes here. Beautiful and amazing design. I was missing some illustrious members. here is who are they ? and why i still know them : `Reverend Jim` provided full assistance while i was learning `vb.net` . i still … | |
Hi, Daniweb, it's been a while. I'm looking to do a mobile ssh-client (well, not quite a full client) that stores sensitive login information encrypted by a pattern-lock. However, I know very little about encryption. Can anyone recommend a good learning path - and by path, I mean Encryption for … | |
I am working on project, where i want to show multiple list view (different design layout using different layoutsa for lists) using one list adapter class, in one Main Activity class. Like i want to show first list view on first button click, and then i want to show second … | |
Hello , I want to show some images in my app using php and universal-image-loader-1.9.1 Iam an stater and I have collected some code from another apps, My problem is when i use the same code to add the gallery in my app it was showing application stopped. If any … | |
Hello, I'm using the rotate-layout library by rongi (https://github.com/rongi/rotate-layout) to achieve a horizontal list view by implementing the suggestion given by Kc Ochibili as an answer to this question: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3240331/horizontal-listview-in-android. I'm getting the following errors when I try to use the library: "error: Error parsing XML: unbound prefix" and "Attribute … | |
Hi All, Back after a LONG break from Daniweb, love the new look! I have the following data scanned from a pdf417 and need to extract certain text to certain text fields, not sure how to go about this... Data scanned with manatee works plugin and android app using android … | |
I've made a simple webview app . I have tried a lot but I cant get it to work, refered to link dint work out . Hope someone can help me here. admob is not displaying after the splash screen .if linearlayout changed to Relativelayout ad appears without splash screen … | |
I have an SQLite3 database which has 8 tables and in which data will not change so needs no add option. Each table has 4 or 5 fields of different types. In order to use this data in an Android app I need to load it into spinners. My questions … | |
Why can't I use || or && with double as in sample below? if (((mDiameter = 1 || mDiameter = 1.2) && mPitch = 0.25) || (mDiameter = 1.6 && mPitch = 0.35) || (mDiameter = 2 && mPitch = 0.4) || (mDiameter = 2.5 && mPitch = 0.45) || … | |
Hi all, I'm currently developing an Android application with Android Studio that allows visitors to enter information such as their name, company and reason for visiting our work premises and have this information stored in a SQL database. The app would have to allow for the printing of this information … | |
Hello guys am totally new to java development but I red some tutorial on web on how to create different application on Android Studio. I've created simple webview application with navigation drawer and everything work perfect, when I tried to add Parse.com SDK to use notification service my program crashes … | |
I'm currently working on an android app to fetch data from the server. But when i run it, i get a NullPointerException. Can anyone help me with that? Here is my code: public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity { ListView lvPost; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); lvPost = … | |
Hi guys OK i have been working on a map soultion in android. I use google places. I have the correct APi key. The place api works well and its good. When i send th coordinates to the map they show on the map but the map only shows grids. … | |
The code below works ok and displays result (mDisplayNominalEff) to screen but I want to round the result to 3 places. I assume that I need to parse string to double. Any ideas on how to do this? String mDisplayNominalEff = ("" + (myDiameter - (myPitch * 0.649519))); TextView displayNominalEff … | |
I am looking for pointers on how to program communications between a custom app which will run on an Android tablet and Quicken running on a Windows desktop or server, I have never worked with Quicken, does anyone have any pointers where to start ? - jeff |
The End.