13,153 Topics
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Hi, I am trying to upload a large xml file (around 500 MB) on ftp location,but i am getting this error--- it works fine upto 250 MB file The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a receive. i am getting the error on this line:- `" Stream … | |
I am using following code to create a authentication cookie, but the problem is user is not getting authenticated. Please let me know if I am missing somthing. [code] HttpCookie authCookie = FormsAuthentication.GetAuthCookie(UserLogin.UserName, true); FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket = FormsAuthentication.Decrypt(authCookie.Value); FormsAuthenticationTicket newTicket = new FormsAuthenticationTicket(ticket.Version, ticket.Name, ticket.IssueDate, ticket.Expiration, ticket.IsPersistent, userDataString); authCookie.Value = … | |
I am trying to center the layout in my master page so every other page on site render on the center. Right now , each page expands through the content place holder but doesn't look quite well Thanks [CODE]<%@ Master Language="VB" CodeFile="MasterPage.master.vb" Inherits="MasterPage" %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 … | |
I have a web service which receives a DIME attachment, downloads the attachment on the server and uses it to execute the web service which would return back the results. Everything is working fine for files of size < 4MB , but i get this error: DIME version received "7" … | |
Hi Everybody, I'm was given a project that manages sales activity within a company.I'm free to choose any language i would like. It is not a very complicated application. What are the advantges of programming the app in C# .NET vs.VB6 ? What would you choose? Thanks Dan | |
[CODE] here is java script code function ShowMsg() { if(document.getElementById("txtVerifierName").value=="") { alert("PLEASE ENTER VERIFIER NAME.."); return false; } <asp:Button ID="btnAdd" runat="server" Text="ADD" OnClientClick="ShowMsg()" onclick="btnAdd_Click" /> [/CODE] NOW THE PROBLEM IS THAT WHEN I CLICK THE BUTTON, IT SHOWS THE MESSAGE THAT PLEASE ENTER VERIFIER NAME BUT EXECUTION DOESN'T STOP THERE, … | |
I a method that generates a PDF and the method returns a byte value, but after response.end statement, the shows an error that the "File does not begin with '%PDF-' here is the code: [CODE] private static Byte[] GenerateReports(string templateFilePath, DataTable table, string fileName) { Byte[] Output = null; string … | |
Hi guys, Please see the enclosed URL for my question. I'm told this is the way to post if you have asked a question on another forum. The idea being that people can follow the URL to see if someone has already put in the work of answering it and … | |
I'm just going to post my pages here if someone will take a look and let me know where to go from here...sorry, I could have attached files if you would prefer. I am not sure what needs to be in my VB page if anything more is required nor … | |
i have a datalist that displays the titles of events.When i click a title i want to display the event details like date,venue,description... outside the datalist this is my code: [code] <asp:DataList ID="dlEvents" runat="server" HorizontalAlign="Left" GridLines="Both" OnSelectedIndexChanged="SelectedIndexChanged"> <HeaderTemplate> Events </HeaderTemplate> <HeaderStyle Font-Bold="true" Font-Size="16px" /> <ItemTemplate> <table onmouseover="dg_changeBackColor(this, true);" onmouseout="dg_changeBackColor(this, false);"> … | |
i want a list of all countries and states for free interms of xml,html,word,doc,notepad, .sql format.. anybody have a list..? | |
Hi there, I have a listview control, on which I have two buttons 1) Wesite 2)Email Me. Note the listview only has the Item and Layout Templates as I will not be editing or inserting. I have assigned both the controls the CommandName="select" so that they both fire the SelectedIndexChanged … | |
Hi all, I have problem with Dataset. I couldn't use dataset in ASP.net editor. I created new object. dim ds as new dataset. I can't write dataset. If somebody know, plz let me know. thanks . | |
I want this code to work as if [flag==0] then set seatcount to 1 else provide me a message that seat is booked but it does not give me proper response it works for seatcount==1 & shows meassage that its booked but for seatcount==0 then also it provide same message … | |
Hello Friends, I have a web application where data are stored in a SQL Server database by using an online form in the website. Now I want to have an offline application which will store data temporarily in DB (say MS Access) and later on the data will be converted … | |
i an devloping a web application on e-recruitment..i have to insert the primary key(which is not shown in the gridview but is in the database) checked values of a grid view inside a separate table in the database..please help...i am working on asp.net. | |
I just want that to display the entire content of site in the tree view so that admin can navigate anywhere he want's to. and to divide the page in two part one where tree view is and other where navigation is to display. just one thing if you say … | |
Hi, I am having a problem getting an old ColdFusion program to a vb.net program. Its a distributor finder and I'm trying to take the existing code and move it into a vb.net enviroment. the problem is that I am almost there and this particular program has this code: [code] … | |
I'm getting schema info but not so far able to bind it into datagrid columns, see code below I can print out the column-name and description and want to bind those into data grid columns [code] Dim schemaTable = dbConn.GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDbSchemaGuid.Columns, _ New Object() {Nothing, Nothing, "VolDataNew", Nothing}) For i = … | |
Hello! I have been regularly updating a website for a client, but I really only work in HTML or Flash. The client has a problem with the ASP side of their site, and has asked me for help. I don't really know anything about databases or query languages, and I'm … | |
Hi ALL I've a problem and i wish i could find any help here ISSUE: Cannot load Protected XPS documetns in Windows 7 Internet Exporer. SYMPTOMS: Internet Explorer in Windows 7 cannot use the Rights Management to open protected XPS documents. ERROR MESSAGE: "This Document Cannot be displayed" "This Document … | |
ASP.NET Web Project... "Not Web Application", though it might not matter. Normal MasterPage - > Site.Master Forms Authentication Enabled in the Web.Config file [CODE] <authentication mode="Forms"> <forms loginUrl="/Account/Login.aspx" name="aspNetForm" cookieless="UseCookies" domain="www.localitgeeks.com" path="/" defaultUrl="Default.aspx" slidingExpiration="true" timeout="30"/> </authentication> <authorization> <allow users="*"/> </authorization> [/CODE] Ok so that is the Web.config goo for ya. … | |
i have created a website application in asp.net using c# for our company's typical department.we dont have a server here.so it need to be deployed into a single computer.how shud i do it so that it can be used as a... | |
Hi all, I have problem connecting to remote MS Access DB using asp.net. The MS Access DB i have URL , local path and write access. I have used the following connectionstring : [CODE] //con.ConnectionString = "Provider=MS Remote; Remote Server=http://X.X.X.X; Remote Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=c:\\yy\\XXX.mdb;Persist Security Info=False"; [/CODE] Error is : … | |
Hii... i just developed an ASP.NET web application and i would like to know how to create an .Exe File of the solution so that I can run it on any other computer which doesnt have VIsual studio installed. Please reply me on [snipped email] PLZ HELP ME... | |
hello, i'm new here, i need help. i'm working on a silverlight application along with c# and i need to integrate the outlook calendar in my website and events to it according to many factors that i have. what should i do?? thanks | |
hi i want to convert this jsp code to c#... JSP CODE--------------- [code] ResultSet resultset4; try { Statement statement1 = connection.createStatement(); String strSQL = ("SELECT * FROM IllnessMaster"); resultset4 = statement1.executeQuery(strSQL); while(resultset4.next()) { str2 = resultset4.getString("IllnessId");//Here getting illness ID dd = str2.length();//taking IllnessID length str5 = str2.substring(1,dd);//here making IllnessId into … | |
What I want to know is the difference between the development, scalability and cost of ASP.NET(C#) and Java. I know that in most cases Java is slower than C#. But how much slower? I also know that to run .NET we need Windows(excluding Mono). Will the cost of the license … | |
I'm trying to make a graph with WebChart Control which I downloaded, But i receive this error. System.Application:Error while saving the file: ---> System.OverflowException: Overflow error. at WebChart.ChartEngine.GenerateBitmap() at WebChart.ChartEngine.SaveToFile(String filename, ImageFormat format) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at WebChart.ChartEngine.SaveToFile(String filename, ImageFormat format) | |
I want to store the stack trace of exception in a cookie or in a session to email to the admin about the error through bug reporting system created separately. I tried this but it do not store it [CODE]catch (Exception ex) { HttpCookie m = new HttpCookie("exe"); m.Values["e"] = … |
The End.