13,153 Topics
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What is the basic difference between Visual C++ and .NET? Isn't Visual C++ part of .NET? | |
i want to convert HTML page into asp.net , i tried changing the extension and saving it as .aspx . It worked but most of the options didnt work apart from images like submenus, links and other things so i want to know how to fully convert an html page … | |
i have created a page where one can edit previous message or add new. for that i created a cookie and store the primary key value and process over one want to edit [CODE]protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { object ob = Session["red"]; if (ob != … | |
Hi all, I am creating a multi language web site. English & Marathi. I took a dropdownlist control & I added both languages in it. And when I select any language it works fine. [B] But I can't able to write in the TextBox control[/B]. I am referring this web … | |
How to get selected item for DropDownList .And this DropDownList is inside GridView. | |
Hi, I want to know the coding and the design for the Text Editor TextBox in C# Web Application. Please reply me as soon as possible. With Regards, V S Karanniyan | |
Hi, I want to rewrite my site url so plz anyone can help me regarding this Thanks in advance | |
I have 3 dropdownlist controls on one web page and these controls get populated from database one after user selects one of the values of previous dropdownlist control. For example, values in 3rd dropdownlist gets populated when user selects value from second dropdownlist. Values in second dropdownlist gets populated when … | |
i need to develop hr system . In Its First Module i have to develop Employee Management . Plz Give me Idea How to Collect Data To develop the Module I am Good at Programing Using Asp.net with C#,AJax ,sqlserver,javascript and web services,crystal report .... I can work with it … | |
Hi all, I think I've got myself into an unresolvable situation. I have a form (it is used so that non-techies can create their own questionnaires) that asks for a user to enter a number that reflects the number of options they want that question to have. A button is … | |
Hi. I have this UpdatePanel with som boundfield content. In this panel, there is an edit link, which will edit the content. It works fine. Now I want to make all the boundfields clickable as a link, so they act as the edit button. In that way, I dont have … | |
I performed the following code to retrieve the path from database and show image [CODE]protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string t = TextBox2.Text.Trim(); SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection("Data Source=.\\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=D:\\Anshul\\College site\\App_Data\\afset.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Select dmc from Semr Where Rollno='" + t + "'", con); con.Open(); … | |
can somebody tell me how does data reader work in following list and what will the result of............if(dr.Read()).. [CODE] public List<clsproductprp> RetFind_rec(clsproductprp prp1) { SqlDataReader dr=null; List<clsproductprp> obj = new List<clsproductprp>(); SqlCommand discmd = new SqlCommand(); try { if (con.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { con.Open(); } discmd.CommandText = "spFindFromProduct"; discmd.CommandType = … | |
Hi friends, I am facing this problem while adding a panel to another panel. Please give me the solution. I have put my code below. [CODE] Dim pan As Panel = DirectCast(UserControlTest1.FindControl("Pan_ItemBind"), Panel) pan.Controls.Add(Panel1)[/CODE] Thanks in advence... | |
Hello, I'm using Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit, Visual Web Developer 2010 and Microsoft SQL 2008 Express SP1(local). SQL server is set to windows authentication, I'm on admins account but the problem is that I can't work with database. It keeps doing errors with connection etc. (I have to use VirtualBox … | |
Hey Guys- do you have any idea how to redirect on another page after Response.End() ? I want once file download compelte it will redirect user on another page. I have tried a lot but didn't get any success. If you have any idea to achieve this then please let … | |
object reference not set to an instance of an object............. when this problem arise? | |
Hey, My database currently stores the location of a specific image, however i'm trying to get the page to change the [CODE]img.ImageUrl = "C:\mug.jpg";[/code] However it doesn't display the image, is there any reason for this? If I use a local image it works perfectly IE: [CODE]img.ImageUrl="~/images2/mug.jpg";[/CODE] Any ideas at … | |
How a doc file can be open inside browser without prompting the download dialog box | |
Hi, I got a problem which I can't solve and I will be most thankful if you can help me out. Ik got a gridview showing data from an XML file and before that data I've created checkboxes in the gridview. The user can select which if an image should … | |
Hai.. Different type of service in asp.net? what is web service and remote service. if any explain to me. | |
I've got a form prepopulated from a row in a database (grabs the querystring from the URL to determine the row) and this works fine. I'm using the pageload function on the code-behind file to do this. The button onclick has a function that is supposed to take the data … | |
hi.. I have a text box with a custom validator, compare field validator. I have a problem with the error message display. my compare field validator works normally....ie; when I enter a wrong value it gives me the error message and when I correct it the error message disappears.but this … | |
So after much troubleshooting I figured out where the issue is but I have no idea how to troubleshoot it or prevent it. I have a detailsview set to insert mode and inside it I have a textbox, fileupload control, 3 bound invisible labels, and one visible label for status … | |
Hi all, I need your help.I have a textbox and combox with button functioning completely as search option which is working fine. when i go to the next page and come back to the previous I want to retain the search condition which i selected previously.What I am doing now … | |
Hi everyone, I really need to figure out how to manipulate the Multiview control with a dropdown list control. Also, what is the C# equivalent to this VB Code [CODE] MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex = RadioButtonList1.SelectedValue[/CODE]The following does not work... [CODE] MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex = RadioButtonList1.SelectedValue; [/CODE] Anyone please help, i'm coding with C# and … | |
im working with asp.net 2.0 and im using master pages.i have a link to a pdf file...when i click on the link i want the pdf to open within the contentplaceholder.im using iframe within the content placeholder.my master page code is below: [code] <%@ Master Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="jm.master.cs" Inherits="jm" %> … | |
I want to be able to show the default error page that I get when running my application on localhost when deployed to my test server. My current webconfig looks like this. I thought if customErrors mod="off" that would do the trick.... but no luck.... Any suggestions? please [code] <compilation … | |
if i used this [CODE]<authentication mode="Forms"> <forms loginUrl="Default.aspx" timeout="90" /> </authentication> <authorization> <deny users="?"/> </authorization>[/CODE] so that unauthorized user do not access the content then the Default page do not show any images in the login page i have to use this in order to do so [CODE]<authentication mode="Forms"> <forms … | |
[code] System.TimeSpan sp_start = validation.Subtract(start); double t1 = sp_start.TotalDays; int days = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++) { if (validation.Month == 12 || validation.Month == 01) { days += 14; } t1 =- days; } [/code] This loop only takes effect on Dec and Jan … |
The End.