13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for sangeeta_ratha

I have a gridview where i need to keep its header fixed and also got a way to work on it. The problem is the whole thing works fine untill i increase the width of the gridview more than the width of the page. the header seems to be out …

Member Avatar for bbxrider

I'm using the GetOleDbSchemaTable to get column info from an access db, column_name and description, but can't figure out how to bind just the 'DESCRIPTION' and 'COLUMN_NAME' columns from the table of info returned. below is what doesn't work, it produces grid columns for all the schematable columns, about 25 …

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Member Avatar for user1980

Hello there.. I have a custom validator for my text boxes. the code is as below.. Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers [CODE] <asp:CustomValidator ID="CustomValidator3" runat="server" ControlToValidate="text1" ErrorMessage="Please enter text1" ClientValidationFunction="ClientValidate3" ValidateEmptyText="true" ValidationGroup="Submit" onservervalidate="CustomValidator3_ServerValidate" Display="Dynamic" SetFocusOnError="false">*</asp:CustomValidator> [/CODE] [CODE] function ClientValidate3(sender, args) { var txt1 = document.getElementById("<%= text1.ClientID %>"); var txt2 = document.getElementById("<%= text2.ClientID %>"); …

Member Avatar for user1980
Member Avatar for itslucky

Dear Friends, im creating a website in which i get a response of my XML request from server. Searchhotel.aspx create the [B]request[/B] and listofHotels.aspx get the [B]response[/B] on its Page_Load event. Currently when i click on Search button from Searchhotel.aspx page it remains on Searchhotel.aspx Page and only display listofHotels.aspx …

Member Avatar for rohand
Member Avatar for fawadkhalil

Hey all I have a form with update panel, Drp Down and Text boxes and requered Field Validators.There is also a button that do post backs. Validation group of Field Validators and button are same. When page loads and i submit data validators appear. After i select data or change …

Member Avatar for rohand
Member Avatar for inAweofOOP

Hi all, I am getting this [I]UnauthorisedAccess Exception[/I] when I try to delete a file using the File.Delete() method...I hav permitted full control to NETWORK SERVICES, IUSR_(user name) and ASP.NET Machine Account on the folder that contains the file to be deleted..i'm stumped..i even tried impersonating user (administrator) in the …

Member Avatar for rohand
Member Avatar for Moemasri

Dear all am new in programmimg this is my next year at the university the tutor asked us to make an asp.net project about e-learning, he wants toopen a web page and a must play showing a video, i searched on the net and i downloaded a flash control.dll file …

Member Avatar for dnanetwork
Member Avatar for Slade

This article will inform you more about forms Authentication using ASP .NET and Visual Basic .net (VB .NET). Before I continue I must stress that the web.config is xml and must be used with extreme sensitivity in mind. All tags must be closed etc. or else you will end up …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for jamshed ahmed

[CODE] protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { int nCount = 0; nCount = GetCounterValue(); txtDate.Text = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + "---" + DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString(); txtAgentName.Text = User.Identity.Name; } private int GetCounterValue()>>>HERE IS THE ERROR not all path code return value { StreamReader ctrFile; FileStream ctrFileW; StreamWriter sw; string Path = Server.MapPath("Counter.txt"); string …

Member Avatar for Sals
Member Avatar for jijojosephk

Hi, I'm facing a very strange problem. I have a JavaScript which disables some nodes (checkboxes) of TreeView depends on the value of the "Title" property of the checkbox. I had to try this because TreeView control doesn't support enabling/disabling of checkboxes attached to it. My only option was to …

Member Avatar for questionary

Hi, how can I display on a single page(View) data from two tables in my db? In my project the model is *.edmx file. i have two table one with categories, and the second one with products. All I want to do is to display on home page(view) in left …

Member Avatar for donbasil

Hi, Im new to this forum. I was hoping for help. i have an XML file : [CODE] <root> <node1 a=".." b=".."> <node2 x=".." y=".." z=".." w=".." /> <node2 x=".." y=".." z=".." w=".." /> <node2 x=".." y=".." z=".." w=".." /> </node1> <node1 a=".." b=".."> <node2 x=".." y=".." z=".." w=".." /> …

Member Avatar for am_dumb

hi all,... iam newbie here. i want to make video conference using ASP.NET & C#. my application is web based. its possible....??? please, if you have know article or anything its help to me... thanx friends..... :mrgreen:

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for jellybeannn

My problem is that the array does not seem to return the correct value, the same value is returned for each data row, but when I display using Response.Write in foreach in Calculation, the correct values are returned. The array values has to be used in a calculation I've got …

Member Avatar for jellybeannn
Member Avatar for jellybeannn

Hallo can someone please help me, I've got this table: Valuation Date Construction 30/03/2009 30,625.26 30/04/2009 269,825.04 30/05/2009 850,056.45 30/06/2009 1,922,475.06 30/07/2009 3,500,852.19 30/08/2009 5,757,055.16 30/09/2009 8,699,041.1 30/10/2009 12,232,330.17 30/11/2009 16,612,763.46 30/12/2009 19,166,542.19 30/01/2010 22,098,191.54 28/02/2010 33,539,289.47 30/03/2010 40,518,025 30/04/2010 48,372,377.98 30/05/2010 56,543,248.62 30/06/2010 65,507,314.28 30/07/2010 74,607,415.4 30/08/2010 84,352,063.34 30/09/2010 …

Member Avatar for jellybeannn
Member Avatar for born star

i m working with asp.net and we make a stored procedure we declare the parameters like @fanuser_id int, @fsuser_name string my question is that why we use [COLOR="red"][B]fs[/B][/COLOR] for string and [COLOR="red"][B]fan[/B][/COLOR] for integer what the meaning of these..........

Member Avatar for rohand
Member Avatar for ans2007kumar

I want to declare a integer variable in global scope but do not want to that its value become 0 every time the page is post-back [CODE]using System; using System.Collections; using System.Configuration; using System.Data; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Web.Security; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts; using System.Xml.Linq; …

Member Avatar for rohand
Member Avatar for adobe71

Here is my small project [URL="http://aspspider.biz/realzone/default.aspx"]http://aspspider.biz/realzone/default.aspx[/URL] Here you can see my small project and can take some ideas.Pls give me some usefull suggestions.

Member Avatar for dnanetwork
Member Avatar for andarin

Hi all, i wrote this code, and my problem is that in the textbox the values are "··· 123 test" and not "··· 123 test", so if I use special character like the middledot or others and than I try to copy in a Textbox I will find an additional …

Member Avatar for rohand
Member Avatar for ineale

I have a program that will use the following code to draw the nodes i need (ellipses), but it won't draw the paths(lines). The only thing i could think of is that it might not be calling properly through two classes. [CODE]protected override void OnRender(DrawingContext drawingContext) { base.OnRender(drawingContext); DrawingGroup dGroup …

Member Avatar for fiaolle

Hi I am worthless in CSS. My boss doesn't want me to use <br> or table. I have a datalist and a div which is relative, like he said I should have. Then I placed spans which are absolute and with top and left. It works fine when there is …

Member Avatar for fiaolle
Member Avatar for gptArun
Member Avatar for ndhamecha

hi would you please help me in retrieving values related to user select a country then its automatically shows the states name of that country in next dropdownlist and after that it will automatically display the city names respected to that country.. please do the needful.its really very urgent thank …

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for dpreznik

Dear experts, I have a GridView with an invisible CancelEdit button. I want to use this button to get out of Edit mode. When I make this button visible for testing purposes and press it with the mouse, it works fine, getting me out of Edit mode. But I need …

Member Avatar for dpreznik
Member Avatar for mandi009

Hi! To all members I have a grid view with five data bound fields.In the sixth cell, i want a check box to be displayed .Note there are multiple values in one cell of a row and for multiple cell in a row,a checkbox is to be displayed. Table looks …

Member Avatar for mandi009
Member Avatar for ans2007kumar

How to know what is last index number in a drop down list if it is populated by using database??

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for maria_mj

I have a problem. I want to display data from database using drop down list and radio button in the grid view. The idea is, from the grid view user can select value from drop down list and radio button to update their record. So, they didn't need to type …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for sanbal

I am using a LDAP system to check the user cridential access control [CODE] string LDAPUserID = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["LDAPUSERID"]; string LDAPPassword = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["LDAPUSERPASS"]; string domainAndUsername = domain + @"\" + LDAPUserID; string CN = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["CN"]; string SID = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["SID"]; string MAIL = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["MAIL"]; string SAMACCOUNTNAME = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["SAMACCOUNTNAME"]; string SN = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["SN"]; …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for rajesh_tit

hi,i am rajesh i have to bind menu controler to database at run time , but i have no idea of data Relation. and data set. E-mail id= [snipped]

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Omar123

Hello, I have a WebService that gets a LessonID and returns a list<string> that has all the links of the lesson from access database: [CODE] [WebMethod] public List<string> Lessons(int lessonID) { string lessonsource = ""; string cs = "Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source= " + GetDBLocation(); OleDbConnection cl = new …

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The End.