13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for riyas_26
Member Avatar for kameswari
Member Avatar for coollife

Here i am converting image to binary and saving it in sqltable , i got this code from some website but NOW I DONT KNOW THE WAY TO RETRIEVE THE BINARY DATA FROM SQL TABLE AND CONVERT IT BACK TO **IMAGE FORMAT** AND DISPLAY IT IN WEBPAGE public byte[] FileToByteArray(string …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for anuj_sharma

Hey guys, I'm trying to run a javscript on a page which also has a master page but it won't run. Please tell me the procedure for it.

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for anuj_sharma

I have a TextBox and a button in y asp.net page which also has a mster page file inherited. When i click on the button a calender pops up in a new window which does not have any master page file inherited. i want the selected date to go into …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for riyas_26

I have one page A . in that page i bind flash player in datalist. it plays all the video for 20 sec which are available in Data base.. if i click one video it redirect to page B playing the video.. I tried .. I want to know how …

Member Avatar for riyas_26

hello experts, Can u tel me what is .net framework in 2 lines? and also definition for INTROPERABILITY, ABSTRACT, METADATA, MANIFEST ?

Member Avatar for riyas_26
Member Avatar for suhasinishinde

Hello, i am designing a music site where i need to play the songs on click on the songname as we see in diffrent sites so can i get an help how can i get the song url using database. Thanks, Suhasini.

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for f_atencia

Hey peoples, im a complete newbie to ASP.NET. Basically i just need to validate a textbox so that only a 4 digit number can be inserted. Wat code should i use (im using VB as my source language and it's not a code-behind). This is the asp textbox validation attributes: …

Member Avatar for kameswari
Member Avatar for gsknaveen

how to capture keypress or keydown in textbox using asp.net with c#.net. can any one give me some help

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for nikichu

asp.net c# sql server I have a web form that I use to insert data into a sql database. I want to know how to prevent inserting duplicate records into the database. Thanks. Ichu

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for Haimanti

hi, I'm trying to get daya into a new table via form. two fields in new table will pick up data based on look up tables. pls guide as to how do i proceed . The code is flashing conversion of Data type error. To avoid the datatype error, i …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for mIssy_ricco

i've created a stored procedure to display a gridview. but in my DDL i only want to display the whole column instead of the whole row. can anyone help me?

Member Avatar for mIssy_ricco
Member Avatar for etm9413

Hi, this is really a beginner question: when I start debuging an ASP.net projet in VS, IE opens up to display the Default.aspx webpage and the following URL is in the adress bar: [url]http://localhost:52480/Default.aspx[/url]. My page including C# codebehind controllers works fine. If I stop debbuging and I try to …

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for maurya_alld

Hi All, I have an asp.net page containing an image of size 200x200. Now I want that on click of this image open a new pop up window that show image of size 400x500. Please tell me this problem is in asp.net. Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for DangerDev
Member Avatar for coollife

Hi here image is getting converted into binary and getting inserted into sqltable . [B]Now I want the opposite of it i mean i want to retrieve the binary data and display it as image. [/B] [code]protected void btnupload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // set temporary variable for database connection …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for coollife

I have to do this in 3 hours. I know it calls for a good loud laugh , but i am a newbie. Question is I have to browse and upload images in the design part of sample.aspx page and in the code behind before uploading(inserting) into the sql table …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for Donish

Hi All, It's me again with another question! I have a table in .aspx file on each row inside each cells I have controls such as Label, TextBox and Field validator. So what I want to do is give a user a CheckBox control if the user checks the CheckBox …

Member Avatar for riyas_26

i have an another web config file inside another folder.. How can i get the connection string From the above web config file?

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for q8_dreamy

Hi I created web application using visual studio and I want to link it to html page using front page when I run the HTML page I got the following error: The XML page cannot be displayed Cannot view XML input using XSL style sheet. Please correct the error and …

Member Avatar for kameswari
Member Avatar for ishamputra

Hello, some help here.. I have a gridview, at my home page, binded to a dataset. On the first column is a hyperlink, on which, if click it will go to another, page, Viewer Page, and passes the data to display on the other page pls advise, preferably in c#.. …

Member Avatar for kameswari
Member Avatar for anitha joe

Hello, I am just starting to do few web application and I have 2 questions to ask..Does anyone know how to count the number of files inside a folder? I am currently creating an application where I can upload images to my website. Whatever the image name is, it has …

Member Avatar for manojvit
Member Avatar for thewebhostingdi

I have recently developed one website. After uploading this website to the server, I have received a few security exception on errors on some of my pages. I contacted my hosting provider on this and they have told that "it seems that your website is requiring asp.net full trust environment. …

Member Avatar for Webhost4life
Member Avatar for nverma

Hi I m using asp.net as front end and MS Access as backend,,,,,and most of the help on internet is regarding asp.net and SQL Server,,,,,from where can i get help reharding asp.net and MS Access

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for progtick

Suppose I am using the code below to display image [CODE]<img runat = "server" width = "50px" height = "50px>[/CODE] However, the original size of the picture is 500 * 500. So, in terms of bandwidth load, would it be same as displaying the picture in 500*500 dimension or do …

Member Avatar for rblackmond
Member Avatar for riyas_26

I have done a project in .Net 2008 with .Net Framework3.0 and ajax3.0. I have to integrate SubText blog in my project.. But the Subtext blog has Framework1.0 and Ajax1.0. How can i integrate this SubText blog with my Project.. Help me in this regard.. Thanks in advance..

Member Avatar for riyas_26
Member Avatar for phper

I'm new to ASP.NET so i'm probably asking a very stupid question so apologies!! I have 4 pages in my site so far. I want all of them to display the same page title. E.g My Website Title > A Small Description of the page Do i need to create …

Member Avatar for riyas_26
Member Avatar for Antinaris

I want to use ASP.NET to do video stream. But I didn't know how to start. Any sugestions? Thanks

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for mcgarry101

Hi, hopefully someone can help with this as it has been driving me crazy for a few days now. On my master page I have a databound (from oracle) menu. This menu will always be same when the user logs into my site. The other menu however is created on …

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for etm9413

Hi, I want to display the result of a XLS transform to an ASP web page. The C# codebehind I actually have (triggered from button in the ASPX webpage) displays the result of a transform "sample1.xslt" to an HTML file "result.html"... I wonder what can I use instead of XmlTextWriter …

Member Avatar for shobhitzone

Hi All i m reading Xml file attchment in email using pop3. but i m getting extra char in xml after xml read. [code=xml]<FinalDraft DocumentType=3D=22Script=22 Template=3D=22No=22 Version=3D=221=22> <Content> <Paragraph Type=3D=22Shot=22> <Text>=E2=80=9Clighting is everything=E2=80=9D</T= ext> </Paragraph> </Content> </FinalDraft >[/code] like -- =22 and 3D <T=ext> pls help me and give me …

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The End.